View Full Version : A bit of progress methinks

18-11-04, 07:52
Hi everyone,
I havnt had a panic attack in about a week!! wooo!!! anyway, ive still been having all the other symptoms of a panic attack without the fear and anxiety. Is this normal or is there another problem here I need to fix?
luv rhiannon xxxx

18-11-04, 11:01

Panic and anxiety can manifest itself in different ways. You can have the symptoms without feeling the panic or anxiety!!

Have you been to doctors for all the usual tests?

Most likely with relaxation, correct diet exercise etc te symptoms will also disappear over time

In the mean time well done about no panics for a week!!!!!


18-11-04, 13:43
Hi Rhiannon

It's good to hear you haven't had any panic attacks for a week. Well done.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-11-04, 15:35
Hi Rhiannon

You are really moving farward a big WELL DONE:D

I have not had a panic attack since august but somtimes
I get symptoms. I still think I'm 100% better.
Mostly I no why I maybe getting a sypmtom,
eg my mum was having test in hospital and I went with
her so of course I would be a bit on edge.
Bomb fire night my heart was pounding in my chest,
don't know about this one because I love fireworks,
but it did not last long so it never bothered me.
I think that in time if we can learn to relax more
and not be botthered about the symptoms they
will go away.

What sort of symptoms are you getting?

Keep those positive thoughts going, just because
you have a symptom it dose not mean you will
have a panic attack.



In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.