View Full Version : how did you pick your name?

geordie flower
30-05-07, 15:02
Hiya, I was just sitting here having a brouse about and began to wonder, how do people pick their user name? Well it is my day off and I've got nothing better to do lol :D geordie flower aka tracey ( mine was because I'm a florist and a geordie!) Please feel free to humour me pleaseeee! :) x

30-05-07, 15:19
Lol - well I picked mine cos obviously I am a Piglet fan (all of the Pooh characters really) and I identify with Piglet very much. :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

30-05-07, 16:07
I used my great sense of imagination! :weep:


30-05-07, 16:07
I was a very naive new forum user and just registered with my real name! :blush:


30-05-07, 16:15
I originally used this name on a bereavement forum that I used years ago. At the time, my daughter was major into Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and was always getting me to play it with her, her being Snow white of course! I picked the name of one of the dwarfs 'happy' but 'happy' had already been taken, so I chose 'happyone'. it went down a treat, lots of people loved my name, as being a bereavement forum, a lot of us were rather sad at the time!
The name has stuck and I think it suits a depressed person! LOL


30-05-07, 17:11
Hi :D

When I first joined my anxiaty was very hight, could not think straight, felt very scared,:weep: so just put the first name the came into my head, jill, it not my real name, Mrs anxiety told me not to give my real name, for reasons I will not go into.


30-05-07, 17:20
Tracey, I guessed you were a Geordie but imagined you also looked like a flower :)

As for mine, well, I just cannot put my camera down.....

30-05-07, 17:23
Im dark haired and an angel:noangel:

30-05-07, 17:41
Someone's already mentioned it but at the time of registering I was in too much of a state to think of something whacky or original!

Kay x

geordie flower
30-05-07, 18:14
Hiya thanks for yor replies, they gave me a giggle :D , especially clickaway you wouldnt believe how many times i've been called petal or flower at work, but I tell them i'm more like a weed! lol tracey:)x

30-05-07, 18:55
Jaco, short for Jacobite, the followers of the politcal movement (and Catholic roots) in 1700's Scotland who's ambition was to install the house the Stuart to the thrown of Scotland and England.

The 45, is for 1745, when the second uprising (Bonnie Prince Charlie) was crushed after successful campaigns (and invasion as deep as Derby) on the battlefield of Culloden, the last battle that took place on british soil.

The 45er's as they were known were rebels against the English crown and rule, which resulted in the Highland clearances from 1746 ordered by the Duke of Cumberland (known to highalnders as the Butcher of Cumberland due to his relentless orders and "no mercy" stance).

Hence, Jaco45er ;)

geordie flower
30-05-07, 18:59
Blimey jaco45er you gave that one some thought I'm impressed! :) tracey x

30-05-07, 19:11
Umm mine just sort of came to me lol

I guessed I needed a login with the site name so people knew who to contact with any problems.

I do have a "normal" user login of Nicola though - not very original is it?

30-05-07, 19:21
I collect all things eeyore:yesyes:

Any site I belong to my user name has eeyore in it somewhere.

I take that back on one site I am Peanutsmawmaw cuz of my precious grandbaby but other than that...... well you get the idea:flowers:


Pink Princess
30-05-07, 19:41
easy peasy, cos i am mums pink princess and wouldnt want to be anything else :D:D:D << what a sook

minnie xx

30-05-07, 20:25
why because lets see..........its on my birth certificate lol .minus the 64 but thats there somewhere too...lol...........linda xx

30-05-07, 20:45
errr anxious by name anxious by nature :ohmy:

anx x

30-05-07, 21:42
well mine......

kelbob is just my nickname at school...long story lol xx

:yesyes: ( trust me jaco..the story is even longer than yours! lol ) :yesyes:

30-05-07, 21:59
I just luuuuurv being a granny -

...and I was a hippie for a short while back in 1969/70 .....(yes, work it out!)

...and I want to grow old outrageously (almost there lol!)

so....groovygranny it had to be !!:shades:


30-05-07, 22:29
You hippy chick you ;)

30-05-07, 23:21
I own a yorky and have done for many years.I have a cabinet full of yorky ornaments,and I collect anything with yorkies on.

31-05-07, 04:06
Mine is quite straightforward. My birth cetificate name is Ellen. However when choosing an username it seems every play on the name Ellen is taken.
So because I love the Irish language I go my Eibhlin (the Gaelic of the name Ellen) online - it is pronounced simply 'Eileen'.

The '70' part is because I was born in 1970.


31-05-07, 08:30
my boyfriend started calling me bell so my nick name stuck
i use to be lilbell then changed it reacently to foxybell cus one of my dogs look like a fox so i decide to put foxy bell

31-05-07, 08:40
Mine a combo of my name Phillip and my wifes Julie Hence Jullip
aka Phill :shades:

31-05-07, 09:00
Mine is a mixture of the first half of my first name and the first half of my surname what a combination eh lol. xx

31-05-07, 09:26
:shades: A passion for the sound of the Saxophone and self learning the instrument but not good at it! :yesyes: Hence - Sax

Also, when Vern use to call me Sex in chat I rather liked it!

Manny you'll always be just that for me!

31-05-07, 10:23
Well, mines is not very original lol :D

Louise is my first name and and I was born in 87 :D

Jaco I was well impressed with your explanation! :winks:

Lou xxx :hugs:

02-06-07, 06:00
Named after my greatest pride and greatest joy: my horses.

Mack is my old guy and Cody is my baby. I would love to put my dogs names in too but then it would look like I have a huge mulitple personality disorder...:huh:
For them, I keep breathing.

02-06-07, 07:52
Mine is an anagram of my kids initials....though I only have three kids so had to take two letters from one of them....actually I quite like it....much nicer than my real name lol!

Coni X

02-06-07, 08:07
I picked NANNY as i am due to become a first time grandmother this october, i am so excited i thought i would use this as my user name........... sad aren't i lol

02-06-07, 15:52
Well,mine came to me without alot of thought, it,s my married name, my advart is a whale as you can see, this was my maiden name. my signature is something that is always in the back of my mind,and was once said to me by a very close friend.

06-06-07, 04:07
This is the background to my user name:
(sorry, it's a bit long)

I didn't chose the name Eclipse......it was chosen for me - though the person who did this was unaware of it at the time.

Through my love of Wolves I Googled and found a site which had the most amazing photo's of these beautiful creatures.

I saw the pic's were taken by 'Monty Sloan' so I mailed him to ask if I could use one of his photo's as an avatar, explaining the reason I wanted it.

I wasn't really expecting a reply too soon so imagine my surprise when the very next morning I got an email from Monty saying that I could help myself to his photos.

The next part of this is a quote from his reply which I found really touching:


You know a good wolf to choose would be Eclipse. She is very shy and could not handle living in a pack. She was born here to Orca and Karin 1997 and went along with her half brother to live at the Turtle Back Zoo. She just never adjusted well and we brought her back home several years ago. She lives alone, wants to live alone, was very, very shy when she first arrived, but now really enjoys only the company of the few people she has accepted.

Here is my favourite Eclipse photo



As (for personal reasons) I wanted to change my then user name (Magz) I needed a new one and couldn't think of a more fitting tribute to a)the gentleman who had been so kind & b)the beautiful wolf which Monty had so thoughtfully suggested.

No points for guessing that the photo he attached is now the one I have as my avatar.

Sorry Nic but I have to plug it......if you love wolves then you have to visit

www.wolfphotography.com (http://www.wolfphotography.com)

He is one AMAZING photographer.....and no, I'm not on commission :blush: - I say it as I see it and one good turn deserves another!

This chap doesn't know me from Adam and yet through subsequent mails he's shown a lot of compassion towards anxiety sufferers in general.

So for that I'd like to thank him and I hope, if he ever sees this, he'll feel as proud that I'm singing his praises as I am for having Eclipse as my inspiration
......in my eyes she's a star! (as are you Monty!!)


06-06-07, 10:48
My real name is miranda, when my friends used to ask me what my nickname was I didnt have one ? So one day I decided to look up my name in a baby names book and there it put all the different options.

I was horrified to read "Myra" was taken from the name miranda
(child killer) SO i DIDNT WANT THAT !!!
but the other option was "MIRRY" and I quite liked that, its stuck ever since.

06-06-07, 11:15
When I came to think of what to name myself as my username on here, I did think of calling myself Damp Sock, but then I thought that was a bit too random and since, like many others on here I feel anxious alot of the time, I simply thought of using the word "Anxiety" which relates to how I feel. To give the name a bit more flavour, I decided to add a Z in front of it. It makes the name sound really effective and I love it.:D

06-06-07, 11:43
Well I'm shoegal because I just love shoes and I can't get enough of them really, lol! :blush:

Love shoegal xxx

04-08-10, 00:22

04-08-10, 01:40
A song about being lost in life, Tom Waits - Raindogs


04-08-10, 18:38
hopers comes for hope4me wich is my internet name and it slowly got changed to hopers some sites im hopers some sites im hope4me depends on my mood

jaded jean
04-08-10, 21:05
Mine is prety simple to work out.
My name is Jean and I was feeling pretty damn Jaded when I joined!!! lol:doh:

05-08-10, 00:35
I am a Christian and the most precious thing I own is the bible the word of God.

I believe the bible is Gods loveletter to man.

So choose the name loveletter

05-08-10, 12:46
I have an obsession with munkeys and have a huge collection of toy ones from all over. Im also well known for ony wearing black clothing. hence the munkeyinblack. trouble is everyone thinks im aboy !! im not im a girl :) x

05-08-10, 13:11

I picked mine as I spend the whole day jumping, when the phone rings or a knock at the door or if the kids just sneak up on me.

05-08-10, 13:12
And no i am not guilty of anything.

05-08-10, 14:34
I picked mine because I wanted something that was relaxing in itself for me, midnight because it's quiet and calm because I'm usually calm by that time :)

magpie girl
07-08-10, 22:28
well i picked my name because i love all birds and i keep alot of parrots :Dplus im a geordie.i get called magpie that often i had it tattooed across my back

08-08-10, 00:18
Mine is how my brain felt when I signed up. Thinking of changing it.

14-08-10, 22:21
Mine is one I use regularly.. I used to drink Mt. Dew all the time.. so i was a dewgrl.. not ery original i know but it works :)

15-08-10, 20:06
It's not my real name.. just a name I heard a long time ago and thought was pretty. I think it means "night rain".

15-08-10, 20:16
I love baileys with plenty of ice :chairfall:

16-08-10, 23:22
mine is, my real name, living in uk and the year I first time connected to the internet.

16-08-10, 23:31
I have 4 cats and my only girl is Missy and she is my supercat, hence 007 and my avatar looks remarkably like her.

20-08-10, 14:39
guess mine is thru my love of music the lads where I worked called it me as I was forever listening to smooth radio :wacko:

01-09-10, 03:31
Mine is because I have two Yorkshire terriers; Spike and Prince Angel Furbaby of Furbabyland (Angel).
Angel has his claim on my life by having his name tattooed on my wrist (Hey - I love my dog), so Spike has his claim on usernames and emails. Spikey alone is often taken and I'm on Spike's team when Angel is horrid to him. Therefore 'teamspikey' is born.

08-09-10, 12:58
hehe, for me was dougal cus its my surname xD and i just made it into radougalkins... not quite sure why but i liked it enough lol

03-11-10, 10:26
mines bronte because my staffordshire bull terriers called bronte and i love her so much xx

03-11-10, 11:49
Mine's because I used to sing in a tribute band, so I'm named after the singer....kylie minogue :wacko:

03-11-10, 12:14
Mine is boring.....Debs - shortens my full name of Deborah (but I'm only called that by my Mum when she is in a strop or by teachers when I was at school, lol)

....and 71 because I was born in 1971.......I know, YAWN!!!

I am a bit more interesting with my email account names though:

'droopydrawers' - no, nothing x-rated (lol) just that my sister says I am like Droopy Dog (the cartoon character)

'Mrs Shufflewick' - again, my sister calls me this when I shuffle around the house in my slippers.

Hmm.....seems to be a running theme here with my sister, lol.....:D

03-11-10, 13:41
i chose sugarplums because it makes me smile.. because when my kids were going through a phase of saying some swear words.. i sat them all down and said ' right, guys it's not nice to talk like that... so who can think of a word that you can use but sounds better ? my son suggested sugarplums ! so that popped into my head when thinking of a username ..lol.

03-11-10, 13:51
Well, I use the name Ladybird on other forums that I frequent but how I came up with Ladybird in the first place..I can't remember!:shrug:

It's a pet name that hubby uses for me but he can't remember why either :huh:

In the 2 and a half years I have been on NMP my Ladybird tag has been adapted slightly..I also am known by the charming name of Ladybirdybutt and Birdybuttyface.

Pffft. Good job I think the world of the offenders! :winks::D

03-11-10, 14:49
mine is short for shakyamuni the first buddha

03-11-10, 15:58
Well i have blonde hair but it's not natural blonde :ohmy:
I really should change it now to. Not so blondfromabottle

03-11-10, 15:58
I'm named after Hypatia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia).


07-11-10, 12:08
I'm at my happiest when camping outdoors, hence happycamper!
Got a fair few months before the tent makes a reappearance - BUT got Glasto to look forward to again!