View Full Version : UK Big Brother 8

30-05-07, 18:09
I Am Soooooooo Excited

30-05-07, 18:12
Lol Ju - so is my youngest Piglet.

I am trying to decide whether to watch or not - I have probably watched about 3 big bro's in the past, two celebrity ones and lasts years one where Pete won.

The trouble is I seem to be an all or nothing sorta gal and get totally immersed to the point of it taking over my life lol!!

Piglet :flowers:

Pink Princess
30-05-07, 18:14

piglet dont do it! its not worth it lol

i will give you a tub of pringles if you come on my side lol

xxxx minnie xxxx

geordie flower
30-05-07, 18:18
Hiya, BB8 BRING IT ON!!!!! I cant wait, I just know I' m gonna get sucked into it again! tracey :) x

30-05-07, 18:20
Minnie - :lisa: .

Piglet :flowers:

30-05-07, 18:29
Oooooooooh I'm excited too! :w00t2::emot-dance:


geordie flower
30-05-07, 18:34
I heard that there was gonna be 12 women in it! then they are gonna put a gorgeous man in for them to fight over! I heard it on This Morning so it must be true lol :D tracey x

30-05-07, 18:41
I cant wait either - my boyfriend texted me saying he was off his work with the cold today and wouldnt be coming through tonight to stay - my first reaction was YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i can watch BB in peace - he hates it lol.

30-05-07, 19:13
I must admit I do watch it.

I just reminded Alex and he was last seeing heading out the door with a suitcase!:blush: :winks:

30-05-07, 19:14
Its such a girly thing, it sucks.

Anyway, Scotland V Austria is on ;)

Mind you, I did hear they were only putting girls in this year so I might take a peek ;)

30-05-07, 19:26
so cannae wait!!
only 1 1/2 hours til my summer is wasted watching tv 24/7!!!!!:D

Pink Princess
30-05-07, 19:37
jaco come on not you aswell, think how girlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it is. ummm i will emmm buy you a flat screen big lcd tv????


30-05-07, 20:22
Even though I'll have to suffer Katie, The Apprentice will win hounds down tonight. And anyway, the beautiful Naomi is still in it.

And if The Apprentice wasn't on, I'd rather listen to The Organist Entertains on Radio 2 :huh:

30-05-07, 20:46
I'm feeling a bit sad about it actually. Looking forward to it starting but it brings back some disturbing memories for me!
Whenever it was due to start, the family and i would head down to my brother-in-law's and have a drink and watch them all go in and give our opinions on it all. We used to have such a laugh. I'm not that same person at the moment, and i cannot drink anymore, he has moved further away and the house is small and horrible, even he doesn't like it and he doesn't have much to do with any more and we don't know why. So there you go, very mixed feelings right now and feeling a little low about it.

30-05-07, 20:48
Why do they have to put it on the same night as the apprentice!!!!

Oh well there'll be plenty of channel flicking going on here tonight!

30-05-07, 20:52

big brother yay!!!

30-05-07, 21:52
Am I the only person that thinks Big Brother is the biggest load of tosh that has ever been on TV? I really think it's truly awful and it's just a cheap way of filling up Channel 4 for months on end every year.

30-05-07, 22:48
Ok I am bored already!

No men = boring!

30-05-07, 23:41
I think this one is a big mistake so far, no men, that's already halved their watching audience!!

30-05-07, 23:51
carol, tracey and laura to win!!!!

30-05-07, 23:58
Isn't it weird that when you get lots of pretty girls in one room together its can be really cloying and it's actually very refreshing when someone interesting and less shallow comes in!!:shades:

At this point there is way too much fluffyness and shreiking going on - so lets hope that calms down very soon. :wacko:

Piglet :flowers:

31-05-07, 07:25
The twins! :wacko:


31-05-07, 10:42
Bit disappointed with it already - no men!!!

I sat watching the e4 live show afterwards and isnt it strange how we can identify with people. I laughed at Lesley (the older woman) getting bit frustrated at not knowing what was going to be happening next and trying to already control and sort out the practical side of things - like which bucket to us - and I did cringe and thought that would be so like me :blush: .

Whereas the girl with the pink hair just couldnt care less - wish I was more like her lol.

I pity the guy who goes in on Friday :yesyes:

31-05-07, 10:48
Yayyyy to Chanelle if she's the Yorkshire housemate. I know theres a few housemates with blonde hair but theres a young woman who reminds me of 1 of the Students in Hollyoaks. Zoe?

I went to bed before midnight cos I was bored but I'm still gonna carry on watching BB8.


31-05-07, 10:58
I love BB, but was disappointed it was girls only last night. Still I expect they have lots of suprises up their sleeves.

Luv Barb xxx

31-05-07, 14:37
Listen you lot, BB isTosh OK now get the beers out and the Football on and lets have no more silly talk ;)

BTW if any the fit ones get their kit off, will someone text me ASAP

Your's shallowly,


31-05-07, 14:39

31-05-07, 14:47
ok... i haven't read all this thread - only A bit of it.. BUT I get the impression you're all into it....


31-05-07, 14:48
Listen you lot, BB isTosh OK now get the beers out and the Football on and lets have no more silly talk ;)

BTW if any the fit ones get their kit off, will someone text me ASAP

Your's shallowly,


I'll do one better than that, I'll come and knock on your door if you don't behave yourself :winks:

I do agree though that it is tosh, I caught the last 15mins of it last night when I switched over to watch Desperate Housewives and I think what Piglet said was just so true, it was just all giggling shrieking girls :ohmy:

31-05-07, 14:55
I haven't watched any of BB yet. Don't really want to, from what a lot of you are saying lol. Really can't be bothered with a bunch of shreiking girls at this moment in time :lac:

But seriously no guys no?? :lac: What's with that??

Lou xxx

01-06-07, 01:00
I think this is gonna be worse that BB4 (snore), a load of 'IT' girls, one who isn't quite sure of her identity and 2 elderly women! BIG YAWN.

Bet they've had to tone it down since the problems with celeb bb.

Don't think I'll be watching it anymore.

That's my two penneth worth, lol.


01-06-07, 14:51
I caught a bit more of it this morning as they have replaced all my usual early morning Channel 4 comedies with this :mad:

Those twins are just so annoying, hard to believe they are for real :ohmy:

Then there's the size zero girl saying how she soooo hates being that size, yeah sure I really believe her not :winks:

geordie flower
01-06-07, 21:35
Hiya, does anyone else think that tracey in bb8 is a man? :) tracey x

01-06-07, 21:57


the shame......................
I blooming LOVE it, sorry! :blush: :wacko:

Come on Carol, Laura and Nicky. :yesyes:

02-06-07, 00:17
I am bored of it already - no fun with all women and the new guy is nothing special.

I am bored now lol

02-06-07, 01:35
It is so annoying so far, fed up with it!!
Tracey is strange, Charlie is vile - get her out, the twins, well where do i start, lol. And THESE TWO are supposed to be representing the place where I LIVE, OMG. Honest we are not all like that in Stoke-On-Trent.
Leslie is quite funny but i think she really does not want to be there as they are all young and squealing girls. I think she thinks she has made a mistake already.
Carol seems quite fun too, quite like her so far.
Shaz-whatever her name is, Amy Whinehouse look e like, not much for her, a bit strange.
Chanelle (number 5) is also odd at the moment but she may pull herself together.
Laura seems a bit normal? Should she be there really, they will corrupt her no doubt. And i think Emily cannot be trusted. Can't remember any body else's name as yet but not really that impressed to be honest.
The guy? Zippy is it, oh no sorry, Ziggy. Well, what can i say, why did they bother?? Might have a few muscles but that's it. And certainly not the brightest spark is he. Nope, sorry, not impressed so far.

02-06-07, 07:41
I like Laura, Nikki and Carol so far. My least favourite is Charley, she is one nasty girl :mad:


02-06-07, 10:18
LMAO Angelbaby you crack me up :)

I am telling you guys n girls its tosh TV ;)

I am glad its on though, I have all of the last series of Life on Mars to get through.


02-06-07, 12:11
Mmmmm not sure about it all yet - of course it has given rise again to my usual dreams about winning things. I often win big bro and it's lovely to settle down at night imagining the whole world voting for me. :yesyes:

This has been a busy year for me what with winning X-Fator and Dancing on Ice. I've had to pull out of winning 'Joseph' though cos I need my strength for collecting the cup at Wimbledon soon (where they will all be saying things like 'she's amazing to win at 45, and no cellulite and even makes her own tennis dresses')!!!

Love Piglet :lisa:

02-06-07, 12:14
u sooooooooooo make me laff Piglet, god ur insane!! :yesyes: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/Marge-011.gif

02-06-07, 13:25
I don't understand whats so special about that bloke, he's not my type. I'm gutted :(

02-06-07, 13:28
I have got sucked in to watching BB8 but I'm doing things whilst watching. Previously I've just been a couch tatty, letting tv control me. I've neva been one 4 being strong willed.
Still think Tracy should win. Dislike Charley - too stuck up and am wondering if Laura is Michelle McManus in disguise, only joking. I've had enough of Emily poking her nose. I think the twins have calmed down alot. Ziggy is sooooooo fit !!!!!!!

geordie flower
06-06-07, 23:25
hiya, dont get me wrong i do like tracey ( we share the same name) but does anyone else think she used to be a man! watch her mannerisms and how she talks....... its a bloke!!!!! i wud still love her to win tho tracey :) x

06-06-07, 23:36
Oh boy did I laugh yesterday at Chanelle crying about her hair not being curly and the straightners/bobbles- I rather like her actually!!! :yesyes:

Emily - can't stand the way she starts a quarrel in this supposedly intellectual way that only a clever student like her could do (she thinks), and yet when it all gets too tough she plays the girly card of 'ooh don't shout at me' and makes herself to be the injured party!!!

So far its Tracey for me, cos she is what she is!!!

Piglet :flowers:

geordie flower
06-06-07, 23:42
tracey is prob the most honest/natural one in there and actually being herself, get charlie out!!!! wat a bore! im loving it tho i promised myself i wudnt get sucked into it, i have!!! tracey :) x