View Full Version : Time to update my inventory

18-11-04, 14:34
Hello peeps and peepettes

Sorry, but I'm probably going to go off on one again and write yet another post that doesn't make any sense [:P], but this one does have a positive side to it (I think). :)

Recently I've been struggling with my anxiety a little. I posted a topic a couple of weeks ago about my lack of motivation etc, which still relates to how I'm feeling now, and I appreciate the help I got then but I'm stil;l feeling a little stuck. Usually I'm very positive (or at least try to be :D) but I'm finding it a little difficult at the moment, it seems the further you get the more complex it gets, or at least my thoughts are making it more complex. It may sound strange, but at one time my anxiety appeared to be fairly simple, difficult, but simple. Over the past year, my anxiety (GAD mostly) has appeared much more unpredictable, confusing, frustrating, etc, etc. Sometimes I do what I think are the right things to overcome it and they send me backwards, I do the wrong things and they send me forwards! What's going on? Actually don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question. But I'm certainly a little bewildered by the whole experience, so I thought it was time for some new ideas, maybe update my inventory and go purchase myself some new weaponry to defeat the Panic Monster.

I know there is a page on the main site with book recommendations and such, but I feel I have read most of the basic self help books, or at least grasped the concept of what they are trying to say. The basics I got through a long time ago, I feel I'd like to read something deeper. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I don't know what I want to read (here I go again, you guys will be tempted to give me one of these [B)]). I just feel like I need a new train of thought, a new direction, anything, as long as it's new and provokes a new train of thought. I just need some extra guidance at the moment.

So, my question is: Read any good books lately?

Preferably I'm talking about something a little more than your average 'you need to relax, expand your comfort zone, etc' self help books. But anything really that you guys have found to be a big help, even something that just simply inspires, a little inpsiration can go a long way.

Any ideas? What's the biggest tool in your inventory?


19-11-04, 14:50
Hi Mico

No specific recommendations sorry, but why don't you pop down to Waterstones and browse in the self help section for one that you think looks interesting.

Actually thinking about it there are some great books in the Overcoming.....series. They are books based on CBT techniques which you work through much the same as if with a therapist. I got mine from my CBT therapist but you can buy them in Waterstones or off Amazon. There are various titles but I have Overcoming Anxiety and Overcoming Stress. Some of their tips have really helped me when stuck in underground tunnels!

Good luck.


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

19-11-04, 19:03
Chewing gum.
Colouring book and pens

I find they work wonders [^]

If I hear of any good books I will let you know

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

20-11-04, 20:40
hi mico
try something like 'ta today' - it might give you a different insight into your g.a.d.
tc andrew

20-11-04, 20:57
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi mico
try something like 'ta today' - it might give you a different insight into your g.a.d.
tc andrew

<div align="right">Originally posted by andrew - 20 November 2004 : 20:40:39</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

As in 'Territorial Army' ta? I'm intrigued.

Stimpy, your suggestions make a lot of sense, finding something to do can be a great distraction, and very calming, which i do try to do as it is, but admittedly I often get distracted by my 'panic monster' and don't end up doing these things at all. Maybe I should try harder :).

Twister, I've tried looking on amazon but it's hard to judge wich are the good ones and which are the bad, usually you order them and find out that they are the worst books you've ever read in your life :D. I'll keep an eye open for the overcoming... series though.


Any more interesting suggestions?


21-11-04, 00:00
hi again
sorry, no uniform and gun for you lol.
full title: TA Today - A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis by Ian Stewart and Vann Jones.
tc andrew

21-11-04, 13:10
Instead of buying books why not just loan them out from your local library.

After i got past the worst of the anxiety i found help from reading up on buddhism and meditation, i can recommend some books if you are interested.

21-11-04, 14:09
Sorry Andrew, I thought you were talking about some Territorial Army magazine or something :D. That's what the title sounds like. I looked that book up on amazon though, some interesting reviews, I may well look into that.

Adam, I do find Buddhism very interesting and sometimes helpful, so feel free to make any recommendations, they're so many books around on the this subject too, which makes it difficult to filter the good from the bad.

Thanks again guys.

Keep them coming, no matter how weird, wonderful, bemusing...

I'm sure there's a lot of you have some very interesting suggestions but don't think they would fit this topic...feel free to add them.


21-11-04, 21:16
Hi Mico

Good to hear from you, hope you are doing ok.

Love Sal xxxxx

22-11-04, 22:09
Hi Sal

I'm doing good, a little confused, a little unmotivated, but apart from that I'm doing good :D. Feeling a little more positive actually, gradually getting there, someday...

