View Full Version : Dont think meds are working

31-05-07, 00:07
:wacko: Hi

Been on sertraline for about 8 weeks. Dizziness is getting worse on these meds. Phych said its anxiety related and increase to 100mg. Have done this but dizziness still getting worse and Im getting headaches again, anxiety is also increasing.

Could it be the meds are not working?

Why am I getting more and more dizzy.

Do anti dizziness meds actually work 100%.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooo fed up with all of this!

Liz xx

31-05-07, 01:28
PS: Tried to go to sleep, felt weird and just had a panic attack.

Cant believe it!! Now Im too scared to go back to bed incase it happens again. I havent had a bed time attack for a couple of months now, until tonite.

Its as if the meds have just stopped working and Im not back to square one.

Take care
Liz x

31-05-07, 03:25
Hi Liz
Know how you feel about the dizziness, I suffered terribly for longer than I can remember. Tried a few different meds (not the one you are on) and some of them seemed to make me worse. Dizziness led to panic, which made me dizzier - vicious circle.
I was eventually prescribed Stemetil, and though not keen to try them I felt I had to. They have worked a treat for me, perhaps you just need to try something else. Not every pill works for everyone, and trial and error seems to be the way.
Hasn't rid me of the panic completely cause there is alwasy another cause, but it has helped enormously with the dizziness.
Keep it quiet but I go line dancing, and can even do all the turns now, which was not the case a year ago.
Hope you feel better.
Good luck