View Full Version : Cant Cope Please Help

31-05-07, 10:11
Been going through a really bad spell for 2 months now, constant panic attacks, anxiety and depression, now have just been told my aunty is very ill with lung cancer, made me feel panic stricken, cant cope with illness at all, dont know how to handle it, had to take an extra diazapem and have done some EFT tapping on it, but still feel so scared on my own. I know I need to get up and do something as unreality has hit bad, but feel too scared to move. Just need some support please.

Luv Barb xxxx:weep: :weep: :weep:

31-05-07, 10:45
Take it hour by hour until the present feeling wears off hun.

Set yourself a few little tasks - go and tidy your underwear drawer,or one cupboard. Even if you still feel crap at the end of it you will have a tidy drawer and will have acheived something with the morning. Keep doing this slowly and calmly until the present feelings of panic have abated.

Don't look any further forward other than the actual hour that you are in matey and see how you can fill it!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

31-05-07, 10:52
Thank you Sky and Piglet, that really helped me. Trying to keep control, dont know how I will speak to my aunty ( what can I say ) but I will have to call her. Will do as you say Piglet and go and do something ( if I can walk upright ) how I wish I could handle things like everyone else I know does.

Luv Barb xxxx

31-05-07, 10:59
As regards your auntie hun then I would try and speak to her how you would want people to speak to you.

You could try something along the lines of your sorry she's poorly and if she wants any help then to give you a shout. I always think regardless of the seriousness of any illness people just want some sense of normality around them to help them feel grounded.

Love Piglet xx

31-05-07, 11:04

Just remember you not alone. Take every day one at a time.

Recently been throught the same sort of thing..... Was feeling very down and then received the news that my mother in law was very ill with cancer and did not have long to live. I was very distraught and as I wear my emotions on my sleeve was very worried about what to say or if I would be able to control my emotions when I saw here.

The only advice is to act normal and to offer help where needed. It doesn't matter if you cry, as that is you and you aunty will understand - you won't be pretending.

Nic x

31-05-07, 11:28
Thanks Piglet and Nic, the trouble is ( and you will think I am awful) I so fear illness I would be too scared to see her I am shaking and panic stricken now at the thoughts. Tried to do a bit of ironing but just get that collapsing feeling ( so much for extra diazapem) hasnt done a thing. Oh gosh I am so scared something is going to happen to me!!!

Luv Barb xx

31-05-07, 11:31
No I don't think you're awful hun at all - it's very common is that!!

Just try and remember she is still the person she's always been and try and put the illness to one side. Also can I tell you once you've seen her once you'll be fine after that!!

I would do a sitting down task at the mo mate - see if there is a small drawer you can lift out completely and sit on the settee to sort it out.

Love Piglet :flowers:

31-05-07, 13:27
Hi again,

Don't think your awful at all.

I also fear illness and I also then imagine what if it were me, how would I cope, who would look after my children, how will they cope, will I suffer etc. etc.

Piglet is right once you have seen her once it will make thing easier.

I never thought I would beable to set foot in a hospice but after a few tears and a deep breath I did and went onto visit her a few times.

Could you not phone your aunt first.

Try not to think to much about it at the moment as you don't sound like your in a good place.

Try and do something that you enjoy, makes you relax and take your mind off things. Hot bath, read a book, go for a walk, bit of retail therapy or small bit of spring cleaning.

Take care
Nic x