View Full Version : Anxious about Hen Do

31-05-07, 10:43
Hi all,

I have had panic attacks since I was 7, tried lots of therpies and though nothing has 'cured' me I can pretty much cope with them now.

However they do get worse when I am under emotional stress and it's my hen do this weekend and I have had a bad week and am really jittery. All my freinds know about my panics but only 2 of them have seen me when I get really bad and understand it. When i do get anxious I come across as very selfish and a kill joy (I get so focused on the panic that everything else goes out the window).

I know that worrying about panicking is not helping and that it makes it more likley I will be feeling anxious on the day, but I can't switch off!

Anyone got any advice?

31-05-07, 20:25
get some valium from your doctor but be careful on the booze

31-05-07, 21:03
Take some Rescue Remedy in water with you.

I am betting you will be too busy having fun to even worry about panic.

Have fun and good luck

31-05-07, 23:21
Like nic says take some bach rescue remedy

Start to change your thoughts to say IM REALLY EXCITED ABOU MY HEN NITE - its amazing how changing how we self talk can help

Go on give it a try


Luv Darkangel :flowers:

01-06-07, 17:52
Hi Lenor,

Just thought I'd try and encourage you.:winks:

My hen party was such a very long time ago I can barely remember it - and it was a bit of a raised eyebrow event because ladies just didn't 'do' girlie nights out a lot way back then!! :ohmy:

But I have vague recollections of warm Dubonnet and flat lemonade - with ice and lemon of course (woohoo!) dancing to Leo Sayer ("You make me feel like dancin' - gonna dance the night away!") and coming out of the ladies toilets with my maxi-dress tucked in my knickers and toilet paper stuck to my shoe!!:shades::blush: (nothing's changed much for GG!)

The disco ball was the largest and sparkliest in town and you couldn't look at it without needing the highest level of UV protection in your sunglasses !! We all danced around our handbags and blokes asked us to dance by touching our elbows - then we danced at least 18inches apart and said 'thank you so much' when it was over!! We all wore our overcoats and paid 20p to put them in the cloakroom and missed the last bus home because the cloakroom girl got all the tickets mixed up and wouldn't let us identify our own coats !! And back then you didn't protest when someone in 'authority' told you off !!

And, just to finish the night off, we bumped into my fiance (now my hubby of 30 yrs!) who was also on his stag night, and we had a row and didn't speak for days !! Hey ho, a good time was had by all!!

What I'm trying to say love is this, if I haven't managed to put you off going altogether that is !! You go and have a great time with all your mates, sounds like you have a couple of very understanding and supportive ones there.

Remember all the good points of the evening and they'll outweigh the anxiety - and just think of the story you'll be able to tell your grandchildren one day !!

Big hugs for you

