View Full Version : Could Really Use Some Help Regarding Blue Badge Scheme

31-05-07, 11:50
I know a little while ago there was a thread about the Blue Badge scheme and how sufferers of agoraphobia should be able to get one. I have had agoraphobia since the 1970's and can get out a little bit but only a couple of miles from my home. The only time I can get into a shop is if I can park right outside and most of the time that is pretty impossible. As soon as I am any distance from the car I get all dizzy and weak in my legs and my Dr had said it would be a good idea to apply for a Blue Badge.

Yesterday I posted about how I got a letter back from the local authority asking me to go for an assessment about a half hours drive away. I've tried to explain to them that although I can get out somewhat I can't get that far right now. The attitude I am getting from them is that if I can't get that far then I don't deserve to have one and right now I'm just stuck with it.

Is there more than one person on here who has got a Blue Badge based purely on having agoraphobia and nothing else and if so under what criteria was it given? I get DLA but only at the lower rate, so that doesn't qualify me, but I do believe I meet the criteria about not being able to walk far.

Any suggestions on to how I might go from here would be much appreciated.

31-05-07, 14:53
we used to get a badge for my son cos he would go into anaphylactic shock so we needed to be near the car , then they stopped it saying there were new laws on getting it . The new law said that your legs had to fail you, that was the only way you could get one and not for other illnesses like diabetic ect. At the time I couldnt believe how harsh they were being but had to except it. Please let me know if you hear different cos it would make life alot easier for him and me with my agrophobia.

take care

31-05-07, 15:03
Hi Mirry, I think the whole system sucks when it comes to getting help for agoraphobia. I know a few people who have a Blue Badge for physcial illnesses who are far more able to walk distances than I am. One guy I know gets every benefit under the sun, including a Blue Badge and a mobility car, yet he manages to work full time as an electrician, which is hardly a sedentary job. Apart from that he once helped put a roof on our conservatory and yet he is supposed to be getting all these benefits because he has a bad back! It does make you wonder how some people manage to get around the system.

I will keep you posted if I have any success trying to get a Blue Badge for my car :)

31-05-07, 15:26
Hi Alabasterlyn, as you know i've just got my badge (2 weeks ago) i can't understand why you don't meet the criteria but i do, as far as i am aware it is a standard form you fill in and my only reason for applying was agoraphobia, the form then asked how far i could walk unaided or unacompanied, i put 40 yds at the most which is to the shop opposite my house but only if my husband or someone else i trust is in the house and then i have a phone with me in case i need them to come over and meet me, i don't go out in the day when i am on my own. They also gave me a letter for my doctor to fill in which only asked for a description of my medical condition, so i can't see that would go against you as he has to be honest, even if he is not sympathetic they want the facts not his opinion. I was fully expecting to get a letter asking me to go for an assesment so i was really surprised to get my badge only 2 weeks after applying with no querry at all. I have since spoke to another member who has just had her review for a badge and she was also told agoraphobia does not qualify you for a badge but they did re-new it for another reason. Is there any chance that someone could drive you to the centre at a time when you feel most comfortable (for me it is late afternoon) I was told by a friend to make sure whoever takes me should drop you right at the door before parking so that they can see how nervous you are getting from your car to your destination. (eg parking near the shops as you can't walk over the car park) The system is definately not fair to everyone and i don't think these people realise how deliberating this condition is, good luck and i hope you have the courage to see it through you deserve it.

Jacq x