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31-05-07, 14:38
:hugs: :hugs: Hiya everyone hope your all well. I have started a creative writing course at the community health centre. for those of you who are not aware, I really believe in writing therapy or journal writing. This form of therapy is just another way of getting in touch with feelings, it can often be powerful as it can bring up many strong emotions. I wrote this piece and wanted to share it here. see what you think.


How many of us feel our Anxiety is like an internal bully?

The healing journey of my recovery had a lot to do with control in my life. How we experience control is very personal to each of us. I really wanted to share here how having been brought up with controlling parents, had a major affect on my internal experience of what I call the thoughts of the internal bully.

For most of my younger life, I suffered from low self-confidence, and always feeling as if I was never valued for just being me. Having been criticised for almost everything and never been praised, I always doubted anything I ever did.

During my self development the one voice that bothered me the most and had the most impact on my progression were the thoughts of the intimidator, the thoughts that reminded me, ‘ I am not good enough, I’ll never amount to anything good, I don’t deserve to be happy etc…. The negative thoughts of a powerful emotional abuser… A bully!!!


Confronting the internal Bully

Making positive steps and overcoming anxiety is very difficult when anxiety is mostly to do with control, controlling our feelings controlling others, feeling responsible for others, etc……… Who did you learn these feelings from? Moreover, how are you sabotaging your recovery?

Ever tried to make a plan to do something positive, only to have those negative thoughts and feelings telling you to be afraid, stopping you from doing what you need to do to get back your independence and feel good about yourself.

Every time you challenge your internal bully, you dis empower those beliefs and you replace them with your own sense of strength. In other words, in life, you would never let someone insult you, or put you down; you would defend yourself and stand up for yourself. The internal Bully has a knack of always controlling your thoughts and feelings, each time you want to do something better for yourself. Isn’t that what control is mostly all about, to stop you from thinking and believing in yourself? Creating doubts in your mind, trying to sabotage the good efforts you want to achieve by making you feel your not good enough, taking away your confidence etc……………..taking away your right to be and feel free from fear!!

Think of this, a bully never picks on someone who they believe is stronger.
By changing your beliefs, staying firm and positive, never backing down, no matter how hard it will be at first, you are letting go of control and anxiety, a bully you no longer need in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Sky:hugs: :flowers:

31-05-07, 15:08
Sky :hugs:

Wow that is an amazing piece of writing. You are very talented :flowers:

I write down my feelings a lot, I find that helps me too. Instead of all our thoughts and feelings getting all muddled up in our minds, if we write it down, we can begin to make sense of it all, and work through it bit by bit.

Wishing you all the luck in the world Sky with your creative writing course, like I said before you really are very talented. Keep us posted :hugs:

Lou xxx :hugs:

31-05-07, 17:04
Hey my two favourite authors in the same place at the same time - couldn't ask for more!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

03-06-07, 04:21
Wow, that's a really great piece of writing! And so true, too. I love writing and I totally think that it's very therapudic!

I usually do creative writing, stories and things, and actually going through this kind of thing helps me with my characters and I add a little bit of what I know into them, helps make them more well-rounded, I hope. :D Write what you know, they say.

03-06-07, 16:56
Oh Sky,:flowers:

That was truly fantastic and so true hun. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_2_93.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_3_66.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

I throughly enjoy reading your work :yesyes: you have such a great talent and will go far sweetie.http://www.123icons.com/graphics/graphics/541.gif (http://www.123icons.com/graphics/myspace/541.html)

Thanks so much for sharing it and may i wish you all the best with the creative writing course.http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_3_102.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)http://www.wishafriend.com/graphics/images/goodluck5.jpg

Take Care Honey and Thanks for e-mail mate.

Loadsa Love Hugs & Wishes.:hugs:

Pip's X X X X

03-06-07, 19:28
:hugs: :hugs: A big thank you to all of you who have replied to this:hugs: :flowers:

louise hon:hugs: I remember some where on one of your posts, I was saying how wonderful it was that you write down your feeling. Yes we can make many connections to our beliefs in this way I feel. Been able to focus on our thinking and looking within, takes a lot of honesty and often courage to look at what may not always be nice to see. I hope you always continue to write hon, as I often feel and believe we do have all the answers within.

Nigel:hugs: How lovely to have your feedback!!!! and thank you so much for taking the time to read my words!!! its always helpful to me to have a male point of view, so thank you very much!!!! I agree with all that you mentioned, and I have to tell you, since I began writing here, I was so nervous, as I have never ever writen where others could have a chance to read my words.

This has been for me a real challenge because , you know when people like yourself and all you lovely people who have given me so much support in my writing, are telling me something good!! well it takes times for this positive feedback to sink in!!!! its very much telling myself, can people really like what I write as I have never writen for an audiene before!!! I cannot tell you how nervous that felt for me, knowing my writing means something to others.

I guess the point I am making, is like this, the more were criticised over a period of time, tooo much exposure to negative attitudes, the more we can come to believe in this false perception, even though wrong, we can hold those values as true. So now that I am experimenting with my writing and getting really positive feedback, well I am begining to believe that my writing is important because you all have made me feel valued when it comes to sharing what I have lived and experienced and learned. hope that makes sense. The writing course is a god send to me, as I have nearly sabotaged yet another positive step in the right direction!!!! and this time, I am committed to going all the way with my passion.

music is another way of expression and I love listening music too, I am a motown freak!!! but certain songs make me cry and certain songs, give me inspiration!!!!! and yes we can drift off into our own world if only for a short time, to just be!!!! Thank you again Nigel for your valued support!!!:flowers:

:hugs: :hugs: Aww Piglet!!! thank you so much hon!!!! of course what more can you ask for!!!!:D :winks: . You have encouraged me so much and I hope to keep posting here once in a while and I will keep you posted of how I am coming along!!!! :hugs:

:hugs: Gryphoenix, creative writing can help you greatly with your characters, its great that you love to write also. You really sound like you enjoy it , keep up the good work and I am so happy that you have found this so helpful. writing about what you know is always a good start!! so yep I do agree with your there. Thank you so much for your feedback!!! would love to read some of your stories sometime!!!!! :flowers: :hugs:

:hugs: :hugs: Hey Pips!! aww I am so glad you love reading my writings too!!!! and thank you too for all your support and belief in me, that really means a lot to me honey!!!! I shall email you later hon!!!! brace yourself got some pics for ya!!!!!!:winks: :hugs:

love Sky!!:flowers:

03-06-07, 23:16
Please do hun - I always presume when we don't hear from you for abit that you are sat at a big desk writing feverishly with a big ink quill pen!!!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

04-06-07, 13:02
Hi Hun:hugs: yes i too think this is very true..only one thing that lept out at me..i NEVER stick up for myself at all:weep: i have been bullied all my life and i have never stuck upfor myself so the belief of being worthless internalised and became fact in my mind...i wish i could break free from the inner bully and the OUTER ones too!!Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-06-07, 12:06
Sky , as you already know we have alot in common !

I have always been critised and it really makes you doubt yourself the way others doubt you.

Good luck with the creative writing.