View Full Version : Now psychoanalysing the Doctor's words!

08-08-17, 17:26
Just got back from Docs who gave me a thorough routine breast examination (as I hate checking myself) including my armpits (see previous posts!) and she said, "She couldn't feel anything." Off I went feeling doubly reassured (having had a different GP check them only a week ago, minus the armpits) and now I'm starting to think why couldn't she just say "it all feels fine"! Do I presume that's what she means? Does anyone else psychoanalyse the doctors words?? I only went back today because the Doctor last week didn't check my armpits and I was panicking about that. I did explain this to her today. I think I am going completely mad. Most 'normal' people would have accepted the first check as being OK wouldn't they and not feel the need to go back.

08-08-17, 17:45
she said, "She couldn't feel anything." Off I went feeling doubly reassured (having had a different GP check them only a week ago, minus the armpits) and now I'm starting to think why couldn't she just say "it all feels fine"! Do I presume that's what she means?.

Ok Jane... c'mon... seriously?

Can't feel anything = nothing there to feel = nothing there to be worried about = it all feels fine.

Positive thoughts

08-08-17, 18:07
Thanks Fishmanpa - you always put it into context!