View Full Version : High Blood Pressure help

08-08-17, 18:31
Hi everyone

Well I'm a 24 year old male and I've been aware probably for the last 2 years my blood pressure is on the slightly high end of things. When I go for my asthma review with the GP, my BP has been about 130/80 which I'm told is "fine"

But I've been measuring it at home and at times I've seen it as high as 150/105!!!! That's been after I've been walking about or whatever.

But when I take it first thing in the morning, its 110/70 with a pulse of 62. I never see it this low unless I'm lying down and even then its usually between 120-140/80-90

I'm going to my GP on Thursday... but how the HELL do I have such high readings at my age?

- I walk EVERYwhere EVERY day
- I eat relatively healthy
- My BMI is on the LOW side
- There's no family history of HTN; my grannies lived to 103 and 86, my grandads lived to 84 and 99?!?!

Anyone else on here suffer with this without the obvious risk factors?!

08-08-17, 20:43
Hi Gaga
You could have "white coat syndrome" I have this, I had high bp when i was expecting my Son many years ago, and it has now left me with a fear of having it taken x

08-08-17, 20:50
Just knowing my bp is going to be checked puts it up immediately.
I have had high bp since I was 22.
I am still alive at 46 but been on low dose of bp meds since age 30 - more as a precaution.
If I have been out for a night and been drinking alcohol and go to doc day or two later for check up - my bp will be up
But so will anyone else's
Obviously heavy drinking or smoking or being overweight is not good for bp
But - stressing out over it is not good either

08-08-17, 20:59
Is there a reason you're self checking your BP? Unless ordered to do so by your doctor, there's no reason to be self monitoring and you're just feeding the dragon.

Positive thoughts

09-08-17, 00:47
Do you suffer from anxiety? Im 21 and every time i go to see the gp they check my bp but its always so high because i dont like the doctors but my doctor just tells me to chill out and does it again and says 'thats better' honestly it could be just your obsessing over wanting it to be low but it doesnt work like that u cant 'make' it low you just need to relax then do it :D

09-08-17, 04:25
Anxiety over taking your blood pressure raises it. Also if you are doing homechecks are you doing it correctly?

You should be sitting with your feet on the ground, no crossed legs. No talking or eating for 30 minutes prior or a bath 60 minutes prior. Talking raises your BP as does anxiety and stressing about it.

My BP yesterday was 112/66. Today the nurse would NOT stop talking to me and asking me questions and my reading was 150/101. My bp has NEVER been that high and she rechecked it after letting me sit and NOT talk and it was 115/80 so even something simple can raise it.