View Full Version : Can constantly feel heart beating in chest

08-08-17, 18:41
Pretty self explanatory: it feels like i can always feel my heart beating in my chest. When ever I do one of those 'test your BPM' apps, it's very high...jus now it was at 96bpm! I'm unsure whether it's because it's genuinely beating that fast or if it's because I'm so worried by it that my heart starts to race.
I have my blood pressure taken every 6 months as I take a pill and my doctor says it is always textbook and healthy!
Please help :(

08-08-17, 18:46
Have you ever considered the alternative of not being able to feel your heart beating?

Have you been instructed by your doctor to monitor your BPM? If not, why do you do it? How does it make you feel? Can you say it helps you?

I would guess that anxiety is making you hyper aware of the sensations of your heart beating, and the raised BPM is because you're anxious whenever you go to check it.

08-08-17, 20:05
One huge thing on my journey to recovery has been to 1) Delete all/any heart monitor apps 2) Just stop taking my pulse.

Amazingly, sure enough, I stopped obsessing about my heart. Recently I went through some big triggers and downloaded another heart monitor app, you can probably guess what my biggest concern is again. I don't mean that to sound in any way condescending, I really can empathise with this, but I can't stress enough how much checking it will be exacerbating it. I used to actually watch it rise on the monitor the more panicked I became! My GP also told me that heart monitor apps tend to run on the fast side, so really it could be causing more problems for you.

Delete the app, try it for 3 days and see how you feel?

P.s. 96 isn't bad!

08-08-17, 20:46
I agree with Cece6. I spent about 20yrs constantly checking my pulse and bp. I decided for one month not to - and after a few days I began to forget to worry about it. That was around 8 years ago and I am still here! I realised that it was the constant checking that made me anxious - it was a vicious circle - because the anxiety put up the bp. I have only ever had it checked when in docs as part of routine tests. I sometimes still feel like it is beating too fast or loudly in my chest - but then I remind myself that it is just a symptom of anxiety or stress. It is distressing - but it isn't at all dangerous. It is quite normal.

08-08-17, 20:56
Can constantly feel heart beating in chest

Obviously, it's because you're hyper-focused on the sensation. As Server said, it's affirmation your're alive and physically well.

Positive thoughts