View Full Version : WANTED: Your Health Anxiety Stories

09-08-17, 06:50
Hi, my real name is Heather Shearer, and I'm a fellow HA sufferer, but I am also a science writer and academic. I have just finished a book on habitual behaviour, and am starting a book on health anxiety. It will be a popular science book, and hopefully include people's stories. All participants will be COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, and no person will be able to be identified in any way whatsoever (not even what country you come from), and I am not collecting any personal details except gender and an age range (in the survey). I also have a survey, which people are welcome to complete (and comment on).

This book will be a self-help book, hopefully that can help people, such as myself and yourselves :)

I am interested in people's stories, what you are most anxious about, how you deal with your HA, what makes it worse, how it started etc.

You can fill out the survey here (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7TYLGT9) and check out my website at www.heathershearer.com.au or email me via the website

I cannot offer anything, except some copies of my book when it is published :-)

Thank you so much!!!!