View Full Version : How do i stop this worrying

09-08-17, 13:13
So im due to go back to my gp next week for lumps that i felt in my breast. She thinks its normal or something to do with being pregnant. She did say she couldnt feel anything sister but i cant think rationally and keep thinking a specific lump i feel is breast cancer. I cant enjoy the pregnancy or time with my husband and 3 year old as all i think about is breast cancer and poking and prodding my breast. Does anyone have a way to think rationally as i know the problem is the health anxiety

09-08-17, 13:24
How do I stop this worrying?

Therapy and meds if needed. Between the breast cancer fears and the cheating fear, professional help really would be in order.

Positive thoughts

09-08-17, 15:22
As fishmanpa says, it's therapy and medication. Whether you take meds or not is up to you, but therapy is essential. Nobody here can say any magic words that make your worrying stop, although anyone who's had anxiety and improved will have their own useful hints and tips.

09-08-17, 17:53
Definitely get yourself some therapy hon. It will do you the world of good for the HA but also for everything else.
If I've understood correctly, you're expecting. So lots of lovely hormones flying around too.
Good luck and stay positive

14-08-17, 08:59
I had a majot breaking yesterday to my husband and i think hes getting fed up with me. He said we've been here before and it was fine and its all in my head. I hope when i see my gp tomorrow she can reassure me but im worried she'll refer me to the breast clinic which will cause more worry. I feel i cant even think if this pregnancy for worrying about this

14-08-17, 10:16
I think you have to consider that your GP's reassurances tomorrow won't make this go away, because no reassurances they gave you last time have made any difference. As others have said above, you need to get some therapy arranged. You're in the UK so can refer yourself if you want, or speak to your GP about it tomorrow.

15-08-17, 10:37
I surprisingly feel more at ease leaving the gp surgery. She had another feel about and said she really thinks its just nodularity but she'd hate to miss anything so is sending me to the breast clinic. She said its routine so will be 6-8 weeks. Is this a good thing that it isnt an urgent referral? I mean if she was worried she'd send me urgent especially because im pregnant am i right? She also started me back on my sertraline

15-08-17, 10:46
Yes it means that she isn't concerned and is more than likely sending you to the breast clinic for your own peace of mind. Also she knows that you being so anxious is not good for you or your unborn baby. But you already know that.

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:14 ----------

Make sure you go to your appointment. After that you can have peace of mind and start to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

21-08-17, 10:59
Im hoping i stay sane until i get an appointment through. I keep telling myself if my gp was worried at all she'd send me urgently especially with being pregnant. I am trying my hardest to stop the checking does anyone have any tips on how to stop feeling about the area

21-08-17, 12:59
I am trying my hardest to stop the checking does anyone have any tips on how to stop feeling about the area

Aside from good 'ol self control?... mittens and rope perhaps? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

21-08-17, 15:47
Im hoping i stay sane until i get an appointment through. I keep telling myself if my gp was worried at all she'd send me urgently especially with being pregnant. I am trying my hardest to stop the checking does anyone have any tips on how to stop feeling about the area

Your first line in this post is the giveaway.

You have already acknowledged that something is affecting your sanity, so the next obvious step is to treat that.

You have had two opinions from a trained professional that are telling you that your concerns are not physically based but the doubt and the worry remain.

This should tell you everything you need to know about what's going on. When we consult experts on things we should be reassured by and value their opinion but something within you is stopping that from happening. The problem, therefore, lies with your acceptance of that and not the doctor's opinion.

This is the part that needs to be addressed.