View Full Version : Gallbladder polyp increase in size

09-08-17, 16:19
Hi everyone,

I'm really sorry if this isn't the right place to post this but I'm currently freaking out. I have a number of ongoing health issues as well that are unrelated to this but after having a recent ultrasound I've managed to convince myself in my head that I'm on the way to getting gallbladder cancer.

2 years ago I had an ultrasound (can't remember why exactly) which showed a small polyp (3mm) in my gallbladder. The sonographer said it's really common and not to worry unless it gets bigger so I put it out of my mind... recently I decided it would be a good idea to get it checked up on since it's been a couple years and the results concluded it's grown to 4.6mm in size now.

The doctor tried to reassure me this doesn't mean it's cancerous and that it would have to be over 10mm for it even to be considered so but is referring me to a specialist anyway for further discussion, even to consider having my gallbladder removed. I'm absolutely petrified as I've only been thru surgery once in my life and don't want to go thru it again as i had a horrible experience that time.

On the other hand I'm terrified this growth in size means it's turning cancerous. I know it's usually nothing to worry about at the size it's at still now but since it's growing (and in 2 years that's quite a lot!) I'm concerned it'll get worse and worse and turn into gallbladder cancer. Otherwise I'll have to get my gallbladder removed... is there any way to help reduce the size of polyps like this??

I have severeeeee health anxiety so I do tend to panic about things too often but I'm wondering if anyone has had polyps before and whether it turns out to be nothing serious???

09-08-17, 18:11
Hi Lu,

The most important thing here is that you're being followed by professionals, obviously until you see the specialist they are the only ones able to give you the REAL advice here but I can completely understand your anxiety.

To reassure you, rationally, if the doctors were worried, they would have reacted differently and ordered some quick turnaround tests and procedures but they have told you not to worry. I completely understand where your head is going. I know it's not exactly the same thing but I had a polyp found in my bladder. It was found by accident after giving birth to my son. I was a mess, HA through the roof. Anyway, cut a long story short, I had a very fast operation (it literally lasted 15 minutes) to remove the polyp. Then they sent it off for testing and it turned out to be a very rare benign papilloma with a low potential of turning nasty. Better out than in.

My sister in law gave me a lovely analogy to calm me down. She said to think of it as a mole (not the animal lol). It's slightly easier to deal with the thought of having a mole removed as it's outside and you can see it. So just think of it in the same way (you may not even have to have it removed) but if you do, just think of it like that.

Sorry I can't be of any more help. When is your appointment to see the specialist?


10-08-17, 08:52
Aw thank you samina! It does help just to have some friendly words of support so regardless, your reply does make a difference. :)

My appointment won't be for another 8 weeks, he said it didn't think it was urgent but of course my brain is always like, what if? It's true that at 4.6mm it is very very unlikely for this to be malignant yet (most are over 10mm), but I worry about whether waiting more time it will increase further. :/ with health anxiety I do tend to worry about every little thing tho so I just am trying to keep calm and distract myself. I'm glad the polyp removal you had went pretty smoothly! I wish they could just extract the polyp rather than take the whole gallbladder out but I guess that'll be a discussion to have with the consultant lol.

Anyway thank you once again! :hugs:

10-08-17, 10:43
Hey you're more than welcome!

I completely understand how you feel, 8 weeks is a LOOOONG time to wait with HA! And I think that's always the worst part, the waiting. Dealing with the actual thing itself is usually straightforward when you have to do it.

I have a friend who had her gall bladder removed just after having her 2nd child and she is absolutely fine! I think it's quite a common op and it seems like a part of the body that we can do pretty well without :D

Resist the urge to google stuff if you can, and in the meantime, if you can't stand the wait, pay to go private if you can. In the meantime, try and plan some fun stuff to look forward to.

Am here if you need to private message, Health Anxiety is a b/tch but speaking to people with the same fears helps I think!

Good luck!