View Full Version : Swapping meds

09-08-17, 18:30
Hi, has anyone swapped from Venlafaxine to (I think it's called) Serotext? If so what was the procedure & did you suffer side effects all over again?

09-08-17, 19:39
Here's the GP switching guide which shows that switch:


09-08-17, 21:26
Should have read Setraline. Sorry.

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:49 ----------

A useful link thanks for your reply.

10-08-17, 09:13
you swapping venlafaxine to sertraline. how is you doc going to do this . an SNRI to a SSRI . I think this could well cause some side effects anything with venlafaxine or release form EFFEXOR spells trouble detoxing. SO how is this change going to take place , tapering off your VENLAFAXINE first,( ie washout), --( tapering 1 to the other) ,( or cross tapering) ?????????. it seems a strange choise of meds so what is his plan , i wish you good look on this one .

10-08-17, 13:42
Seen my GP this morning. After suffering awful side effects for 3 weeks on Venlafaxine I am tapering off & onto low dose of Mirtzapine. Will see Doc in a week again to make any adjustments. I am dissapointed as Vens worked for me in the past, but I guess I'm a bit older now & ones body & metabolism change. I knew what to expect having been there before, twice in fact. This time I'm afraid the effects were debilitating. Apart from increasing panic attacks both in frequency & intensity (I knew this would happen), I completely lost my appetite & have been unable to eat & lost weight. Even liquids would pass straight through me. I've spent more time in the toilet in the last 3 weeks than ever before. I also needed Zopiclone to sleep & even then only get around 4 to 5 hours. So onward & upwards hopefully. Please dont take this post as a knock at Vens for anyone going on them everyone reacts differently.

10-08-17, 17:28
Seen my GP this morning. After suffering awful side effects for 3 weeks on Venlafaxine I am tapering off & onto low dose of Mirtzapine. Will see Doc in a week again to make any adjustments. I am dissapointed as Vens worked for me in the past, but I guess I'm a bit older now & ones body & metabolism change. I knew what to expect having been there before, twice in fact. This time I'm afraid the effects were debilitating. Apart from increasing panic attacks both in frequency & intensity (I knew this would happen), I completely lost my appetite & have been unable to eat & lost weight. Even liquids would pass straight through me. I've spent more time in the toilet in the last 3 weeks than ever before. I also needed Zopiclone to sleep & even then only get around 4 to 5 hours. So onward & upwards hopefully. Please dont take this post as a knock at Vens for anyone going on them everyone reacts differently.
going back on a med you have been on before is going to take longer than 3 weeks, my neighbour came off ven and 3 months later crashed , he was put back on 75mg then 150mg it took him 12 weeks to come good so your 3 is nothing, the side effects your getting are typical ven side effects, you should have stuck it out ,you are now on the med go round and thats bad news :whistles:

10-08-17, 19:36
I know where you are coming from. However I know what has triggered this bout. My anxiety was started by a medical disappointment. This is my 3rd episode since 2004. I successfully managed Venlafaxine previously. I was only ever on 75mg. I am still on 37.5 so I am prepared to see where it takes me. As previously mentioned everyone is different in how they react. I am prepared to give it a go (mentally). If it keeps me out of the toilet it will be a bonus. l,ll keep you posted.

10-08-17, 21:14
As you're on only 37.5mg Venlafaxine, you should avoid withdrawal effects.

Hope Mirt suits you better than Ven anyway.

11-08-17, 13:37
Yesterday was the first day just on 37.5 and mirt last night.fingers crossed I had the best nights sleep in over a month. It's almost 2pm and up to now I have not had a panic attack. I also have felt more like eating. Stomach is also a lot calmer. Long way to go yet but hope lives on.

11-08-17, 20:10
Still ok better than before. Slight wobble this afternoon but not a full on panic attack. Took half a 5mg diazapam dozed on settee for 40mins dreamed I bumped my head and woke up. Still eating better but need to retrain my stomach after not eating for so long. Not there yet but keeping on keeping on.