View Full Version : Can anxiety cause stroke like symptoms!??

09-08-17, 18:47
Hi everyone

I've been experiencing this strange numb sensation on the left side of my face, arm, hand, leg, been to the gp they always say it's anxiety related a few strength tests and send me out the door! ( I fear it might be a mini stroke)

But recently i changed my GP and he's sending me to neurological dept nerve specialist at the hospital 15 week waiting list which I'm not surprised at tbh.

But the waiting is brutal especially when it ain't changed but i am really worried and i have a little one on the way double stress.. So I'm just asking does anyone else get these numbesh feelings that last a while??

Your reassurance would be very much appreciated!

I'll love you just as much as the goonies their ya go :-D


09-08-17, 18:48
Yes, especially. People with anxiety always think they're having a heart attack or stroke.

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk

09-08-17, 18:56
Do you get migraines or problem with vision? How long have you had the numbness exactly? Anxiety could most definitely be a cause but so could a trapped nerve in neck area, which I've had myself. I think your GP is right to refer you so they can find cause.

09-08-17, 20:50
That 15 week waiting list sounds more like a referral to rule things out. I would imagine it would be a lot quicker if they suspected a stroke risk.

09-08-17, 21:31
Hi Petesy.

The answer is YES!
Anxiety can cause or mimic almost absolutely anything.

It is normally related to the nerves.
Think of it this way.
If it can make your muscles twitch, cause adrenalin to run riot and make you think you an army of ants living inside of you and make a a finger twitch up and down by itself, then it can certainly give you a feeling of a deadness on one side of your face.

I did have a minor stroke about 12 years ago and didn't have any symptoms running up to it. Believe me you would know if it happens.
Numbness with a stroke is normally for a long period of time until that limb recovers to hopefully normal.

It always a good idea to get checked by a professional anyway. Peace of mind.
But as Terry says, you have not been rushed to the top of the list, it is just a routine check.

For us anxiety sufferers we need constant reassurance, but you can do some simple checks yourself. I told another member this too.
Can you easily put both arms above your head?
Can you breath in and out with no discomfort?
Can you speak clearly and understandably.
I sometimes even test myself by singing a song. That seems to check everything.
Breathing, concentration, lung capacity.

You know you have to calm that mind down Petesy.