View Full Version : Treatment resistant

10-08-17, 09:45
A visit to my shrink for a review yesterday with my NHS nurse sally , after 8 med changes in a year it seems no med works more than a few weeks so the way i feel now %60 is has good has it gets. at the moment for an AD i only take 30mg of CYMBALTA the real thing not generic. olanzapine for sleep and 6mg of lorazepam a day . lorazepam is my mood stabilizer my choice has the others make you pepper pig fat . The 8 med changes have took there toll on my body and brain . over years i have taken every SSRI SNRI and numerous others. After 50 years of meds my body wont play ball anymore its like me its had enough abuse. there may be a slight chance with the CYMBALTA but even thats hit a snag , at the moment 60mg is to much for my damaged brain ,and the doses only come in 30mg and 60mg , if i was to swap to its generic DULOXETINE that has a 20mg tab and i could creep up to 60mg slowly 40mg and then 50mg but it would mean changing from the real med to the generic. there is nothing wrong with the generic but we all no we sooner have the real stuff after all i have trailed the real Cymbalta 12 weeks now another few week on 30mg wont hurt and may give time for all the other trails i have had to leave this wrecked body of mine. No more chasing rainbows for me:doh: