View Full Version : Helllpppp!

10-08-17, 12:11
Argh! I am really failing with my HA. I am spending ages checking my symptoms
On internet and making myself more and more stressed. I had a stomach bug which turned into gastritis and acid reflux. Those symptoms stressed me out and then I started to get more symptoms. I went on omeprazole but had a nerve twinge sensation when food going down and now I have chest pain and burning, a tight feeling in chest and a lump in throat. When I went to go she said it was anxiety and not to worry but gave me some citalopram. I still have the lump in throat and tightness in chest and I am worried that when I swallow it burns. I am terrified I have something wrong with my oesophagus. The more I google the worse I am. It I can't seem to help myself. I am having panic attacks where my whole chest is burning and my heart races. I had initial CBT appt yesterday and on day 3 of the meds.

Can anyone relate to symptoms being anxiety?

I am going back to gp today as I go away Saturday and I might need to up PPI or cit. I am worried about big C (although it is very rare in under 50s) and having a camera down my throat. This is my second reflux episode this year and both times were accompanied by crippling anxiety.

Anyone share similar experiences? I am beside myself with fear. 😭

10-08-17, 12:13
These are pretty common symptoms. Acid reflux is my HA trigger so I know how you feel. I've not been able to breathe with my reflux today. Don't google anything ever. Even if you want to. It never ever gelps

10-08-17, 12:25
Thank you. I noticed this morning that I have a lot of gas in my chest which I think has contributed to the chest tightness. I am totally obsessing and panicking which does not help at all as the symptoms only get worse! I am panicking so much! In my head it looks like this http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk8p_Cw1jbU

I need to prepare for my holiday so perhaps that will take my mind off it. 🙄😎

10-08-17, 13:00
Just do something to take your mind off it. My chest burn, bubble, gettignt, my sides & back hurt, between my shoulder blades I feel that there's a lump or something stuck, my throats goes tight. I feel breathless. All part An parcel of reflux. The more you concentrate on it the worse it gets

10-08-17, 13:10
Thank you, it is such a worry having these physical symptoms. I find it so hard
To focus on other things but I have noticed that when I am more relaxed and distracted I feel it less (or I notice it less). My anxiety definit oh does make it worse cos when I get a big panic my whole chest burns and I feel cold and sick. Holidays soon so hopefully that will help to distract and relax me.

10-08-17, 13:37
Yeah it's amazing how your mind works. It can create things that aren't there and play on things that are. I've had a muscle pain under my armpit for weeks & my mind is telling me it's my lungs. But it's not. The more you ignore it the better it gets

10-08-17, 14:15
It is. I found a lump on a bone a couple of months ago which naturally I freaked out about. It turned out to be nothing but while I was worried I was feelin pain in my bone and all over. Just had a bath and while relaxing no pain. Came out just now and chest burning again. Think I am in constant anxiety state. 🙁