View Full Version : Pelvic Scan, feeling rather anxious!

10-08-17, 14:53
I have to have a pelvic scan tomorrow morning, I have been told to drink lots (I have such a weak bladder!) Although the letter says they may have to do an internal one also. I am 45 and have PCOS , am overweight and have never been pregnant (all risk factors)my periods have always been all over the place, the last few years they have been fairly regular but heavier and more painful. I have brown discharge after a period that can last up to a week. I guess I just want some words of reassurance. So worried they will find something scary !

10-08-17, 16:50
I am now 61 & don't have periods anymore however I used to have heavy periods followed by the old blood that you talk about. I had several scans & fibroids were found which tend to shrink as you get older but they cause heavy bleeding. I also had cysts which they just kept an eye on every year or so. I used to worry about it & now wish that I hadn't. You will be ok !