View Full Version : Tetanus?

10-08-17, 17:00
I'm in my school's marching band, and at rehearsal on friday i scraped my ankle against a rather old xylophone that i'm unsure if it has rust on or not. It wasn't a direct cut, rather through my sock, but i'm still worried. I had my last tetanus shot in 2012 - should i be fine? it has been five years, which means i could be due for one now, but the wound is clean and i'm being very vigilant of it. No symptoms have occurred of anything bad, but my Internet Research (y'know, the worst thing out there) says that those don't occur for days after.

Is five years enough to protect me still?:shrug:

10-08-17, 18:23

This is a thread I found when I worried over tetanus, 3rd comment down by the user countrygirl. It reassured me, I hope it helps :)
