View Full Version : Alternative Means to feeling better? Suggestions and reassurance...

31-05-07, 22:06
Hello. I am a long time Health Anxiety sufferer with a similar story to everyone else... I heard about or read about some disease and then researched symptoms to sit and wait for said symptoms to occur. This has been an ongoing process for me for about 15 years. Sometimes its better... sometimes its worse... lately it has been worse. Everything from staph infections to bird flu to HIV to cancer has plagued me recently. I am currently seeing a psychiatrist and on 200mg of zoloft and 6mg of a new drug called Invega.

Now, all this history isn't the reason for my post. I am trying to discover and learn about other ways to occupy my thoughts? I am so sick and tired of making my wife and mother crazy by my constant "what ifs" and I feel like I owe it to myself to do whatever I can to make myself feel better. I have read books, attempted breathing excercises all to no real longterm success. I am also a HA sufferer who dreads medical tests. My mother went through breast cancer and ever since then, everytime she has a test, something new is wrong. I have dreaded going in for a physical for many years, but I am finally going to do that in late June.

Do any of you find relief in other things? What gets you through the day? I have taken two days off from work to attempt to get my mind back in order... but all I have really done is spent the day worrying... and I want out. I would encourage and entertain ANY and ALL thoughts regarding this post. Feel free to either respond to the thread or send me a private message.

Thank you all for reading. It means so much to know we are not alone.

31-05-07, 23:11
Hi Adam

Ive had health anxiety for 10 yrs and have been on so many courses, read lots of books, been on and off medication and have found that the only thing that brings me relief is ACCEPTANCE.
I dont mean accepting that i am ill, I mean being in the moment and accepting the thoughts and sensations that I am currently experiencing. All too often with anxiety we focus on the What ifs or worry about what has happened instead of dealing with the present moment.
I practise "mindfulness" or "awareness" and it has helped me greatly. When the mind is calm, then the body will follow.

Hope this has helped.
Luv Darkangel :flowers: