View Full Version : Does anyone use food to get control back???

10-08-17, 19:37
I'm just curious if anyone else does this? Or if it's one of my own personal coping mechanisims.

I can go either way too. I just had (including today) 4 days of not eating. Eating the bare minimum just to keep my body functioning.

But after my 4 days of not eating I now feel like binge eating junk food! Lots and lots of junk food!! Kebabs, chips, burgers all the awful calorie laden foods basically.

However..... I do not have any of those yummy things nor can I afford them so instead I will keep not eating and having just enough to get through the day!

I def think its about control. I mean logically my GAD & OCD are really bad atm. I'm waiting for the meds to kick in but going to be a while yet. I have beta blockers to tide me over but still. I cant control all the things in my head.... but i can control my food intake. I understand this isnt good but it seems to be a cycle I have had for many years.

So does anyone else do this or similar??
Find they get the control back through food? (Whether starving yourself or binging, or both)

Barbary Lane
13-08-17, 16:10
Oh yes, whenever I feel challenged emotionally food is my go to substance of choice, usually carbs/sugar. It is a very real emotional and physical need when I feel emotional pain. I guess it is a form of self harm really but when I am concentrating on what I am eating then it is a distraction from whatever had triggered the response.

Since I have had psychotherapy and am taking medication I can manage better and have a better relationship with food.

14-08-17, 16:21

I have the same issue, except minus the binging! When I feel anxious I sort of lose the ability to swallow, at its worse this has lasted a few weeks. I'll be absolutely starving but as soon as I have food in my mouth I can't seem to get it down.

I have found that distracting myself while I eat can help, for example I will go for a walk while I eat or talk to someone.

Hope this helps!

Clydesdale Epona
14-08-17, 23:27
I have had the exact same issue for years! been living on Ramen noodles and protein shakes for a few years now, can't seem to get any therapy or help with it so I've kind of just grown accustom to this way of "living" hoping it will get better when I get my autism diagnosis x :)

Best wishes :hugs:

15-08-17, 03:29
Be careful, this is how eating disorders start, OP. It is much healthier not to use food this way and put those stresses on your body.