View Full Version : New Job Anxiety Attack

Troy Tempest
31-05-07, 22:28
Hello - I was signposted to this site by a friend who got a lot of help here so I was hoping you may be able to help a newbie!

I've suffered from anxiety for years and never really got any help until 4 years ago when I had problems at work, got put on antidepressants, hit a real low but managed to pull myself back and went on to be reasonably happy. I've not really been anxious since then but in the last 3 weeks I've been getting really stressed for bizarre reasons. My office has recently reorganised and I got a promotion and within 3 days I also got offered what for me is a dream opportunity to train to do the job of my dreams. So what was the first thing I did? Panic! I obviously hadn't filled the application form in correctly and i can't give my job up to take this opportunity because I'll be found out and get the sack.

Stupidly I sent an email to the organisation asking that they check my criteria was sent to them correctly (among other more rational questions!) - now I'm worrying that that is going to have an adverse effect and they will withdraw the offer.I'm n danger of getting paralysed by this. I really want the job and have accepted it but am fixated on the fact that I may have filled the application in wrong. There's no justification for this but I can't stop thinking about it - is this normal? I can't believe that I've got two great offers within the space of a week but feel like I'm going to blow it with my anxiety - has anyone else felt like this?

Thanks for listening and taking an interest

01-06-07, 00:37
Sorry you feel so anxious about your new opportunities. If it's any help, if they have offered you a job and you have accepted it, the contract already exists therefore, if they withdraw the offer, they are in breach of contract.

Hope things work out for you.


01-06-07, 09:57
Hi there. Congratulations on the new job. It shows they must believe in you!

I was like this with the job I have now. I didnt want to hand in my notice on my old job until I had something written and signed in my hand saying I had the new job. But I think you'd find that even those without anxiety find new jobs anxious times. When I asked if I could please have something in writing and how long would it take to get it they were really understanding. They take it as enthusiasm for the job and normal anxiety levels which everyone has at some time.

They obviously believe in you. Congratulate yourself on winning this dream opportunity!!

Troy Tempest
01-06-07, 19:16
Thanks for your comments - I think the main problem I have is that I am now convinced I filled in the application form wrong and have been worrying about taking the job. There's no reason to think I did fill it in wrong but it has been worrying me for the last couple of days which I know is daft! I have managed to calm down a bit today so have started feeling a bit better about it

01-06-07, 19:36
That's good. Hope you continue to feel great about it. Well done on getting promoted. They will not have made a mistake. It is genuinely yours. As it is a promotion they'll know if you are up to it and were probably hoping you'd apply.

01-06-07, 20:22
Hi and welcome

Congratulations on the new job.

What do you think you filled in incorrectly on the form?

Troy Tempest
01-06-07, 23:26
It's a complicated online application where one of the desirable criteria for shortlisiting was to have less than a certain number of years experience to be selected (bizarre I know)! It was a bit ambiguous as it could apply to a certain group of people applying for the job but not others, but I am sure I ticked the box saying that I had more than the required experience. My big anxiety is that I accidentaly said I had less, they would find out once I got the job and I would be sacked! - the reason being I am giving up a good job and my new promotion to do the training. I know this sounds ridiculous but is consistent with a lot of my anxieties.

My overriding worry is that I shouldn't have got shortlisted, will get found out and made to leave. After going through a whole days selection and interview i know deep down that I shouldn't be worrying but it is starting totake over my life a little at the moment.

02-06-07, 15:44
If you did a selection criteria assessment and interview they have not made an error. Please try to stop fretting - those assessment days are really tough and you must have done well to get through it successfully.:yesyes:

02-06-07, 16:01
They believe in you - now you've gotta believe in you!!

Keep telling yourself ' I deserve this job, I'm good at what I do, I deserve this job and keep telling yourself it until you start to believe it!!!!:shades: :flowers:

Piglet :flowers:

02-06-07, 19:13
Well done in getting the job. One of the many problems I have is that severe low self esteem - I don't think I'm good enough so I don't believe any reward I achieve is actually for me. Does this make sense?

What I'm trying to say in a roundabout way, is that they must have had other info on you other than the application form. You must be known to them and they must have done other checks on you other than the online form. Did they interview you?

Enjoy the job. YOU DESERVE IT. Hope it goes well.

Troy Tempest
02-06-07, 19:34
Hi all - thanks for your comments - Yes I was interviewed and did have other things on the application form so I guess there were other factors to go on.

it's really odd that I've just focused on the one thing - I had aconversatoin with a colleague yesterday who rememered me saying i probably hadn't been shortlisted because I filled in that bit of the form correctly!

I think you're right as well Smarteenie - I often think that I'm not good enough so don't take the opportunities I guess I must have a few self esteem issues as well.

I did start to get calmer about this yesterday - unfortunately I started to worry they may take the offer away, however i've accepted it and am going to chase up the details next week . However it seems at the moment every time I get good news and dismiss one anxiety another one pops up to replace it.

Thanks for listening - Piglet I think your signature shows a way of thinking I should start to practice!!

02-06-07, 20:44
Hi Troy, I read your latest post and its almost like something I could have written myself:

My overriding worry is that I shouldn't have got shortlisted, will get found out and made to leave.

I felt the same with the job I'm in now. Even when my boss (who is lovely) says "Lisa can I have a word with you", I get that sinking feeling and think uh oh, they finally realised their mistake.... lol Never mind that he is well aware of the anxiety and very supportive, and tells me he values me. The anxiety monster whispers in my ear. But I've been there nearly 3 years now!

Try not to listen to the little voice of anxiety. From your other posts on this thread I can see that you have reached this point on your own merit. Believe in yourself and go for it.

02-06-07, 22:14
Good on ya hun - working on our self esteem is never ever a wasted exercise!!

I want to wish you really well with the new job and say welcome to the site as I don't think we've spoken before! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

Troy Tempest
03-06-07, 11:56
Hi again - thanks for the comments they've really helped. I have decided to start the week with a more positive outlook as I really think now that everything else outweighs one small worry. So from tomorrow I'm going to start finalising everything with my new job and get everything in writing so I know where I am at (and can refer back to it in moments of worry!)

Thanks for your welcome to the site - this is my first post here but it's been really helpful :)