View Full Version : Constant head rush. (heart problem or anxiety related?)

11-08-17, 02:10
Hi, all.

Good evening!

Whenever I sit down or dance to music (lol) while sitting. I get this head rush/quick dizziness feeling and this doesn't happen when I'm standing only sitting. I'm hoping this have nothing to do with my heart or blood pressure. I never experienced anything else after that btw. Maybe anxiety related? Yeah, it did scared me. (Have anyone else experience this/went through the same thing? Hoping someone will answer.)

Deanna J.

12-12-17, 02:57
I have been getting that same thing lately. It's mostly when I'm just sitting down. Its like I'll be fine then I get this rush that lasts for a second or two. Almost like a dizzyness or like someone shook my brain for a second. Sometimes I don't get it for weeks then it hits constsntly for a few days. I know it can't be a brain tumor or something cause it's not awful nor do I get headaches but maybe a few times a year. Low blood pressure is another thought but I don't get weak or ever pass out when exercising. I don't think it's my heart with all the tests I've had done and how much exercise I get at my job and don't die or pass out. For me I've thought its either electrolytes to low, neck muscles, blood sugar all up and down from irregular eating, or just anxiety..

bin tenn
12-12-17, 03:53
High blood pressure is often asymptomatic. Yes, I've had that before, too, even without anxiety. It does trigger anxiety because it doesn't feel "right", but I'm learning to not react to oddities like this anymore. It makes a difference.