View Full Version : i only started with one fear now have many

01-06-07, 09:58
when i was 12 yr old i was so afraid of dying wich lead to my papertations and anxiety but over time u begin to fear alot more lik e dentist anthestica normal head ache afraid of some foods incase you are ilergic to it i even panic at itching if i brake out in a heat rash just wondering how many have started with one thing thats turned in tomany one of my main fears now is going out and looseing my mind why out or just dropping down dead in the street wich leaves u quit agraphobic why cant i just collect stamps instead of fears be nice would,nt it tell me i am not on my own bye for now trish xx

01-06-07, 13:38
Hi Trish, far from being alone what you have is pretty much normal (whatever your definition of normal is) for anxiety and panic disorder. Like you i can remember being scared of going to sleep when i was little in case i didn't wake up and then like you followed the dental anaesthetic, food allergy, bee and wasp, new medicines, and every new ache or pain worries. I have amassed quite a collection over the years and just when i think i've experienced them all another one pops up to bite me on the butt. I try and tell myself that i've coped before and i will again but it's no less scary than the very first time it happened and i despair that it won't ever end, i tell my husband that i feel really weak giving in to my fears but he said he knows people who have gone to pieces over much smaller problems and that this has actually made me a stronger person to have lived with this for over 20 years. (just doesn't feel like that when having a full blown attack). I dream about the day that i can get a job or just go clothes shopping with my daughters like a normal mom, but i won't be holding my breath.

Jacq x

01-06-07, 23:29
I've been like that too, as a child (about 10 I think) I was convinced I was going to die, there have been all sorts of things since then, I've just come through six months of acute anxiety. It's reasonably under control for now, but it's lingering in the background waiting to get me again, it would be great if it went away completely. I've learned the techniques for keeping it at bay and I just hope they carry on working.