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01-06-07, 11:33
Hiya all
just booked an appointment with my doctor for today at 4.00:ohmy:
always feel really apprehensive before going but make it in there. Luckly my doctors in litually a 30 second walk down at the end of my road. couldnt be more convinient for an agorophobic.:blush:
Anyway i want to make sure i have a good meeting with him and get the most out of our time. i am going to write a list of the things i need to descuse.:shrug:
Anyway anyone got any advice on what to ask thats great and if anyone has a spare hug to give to me i would be very happy.
take care

01-06-07, 11:50
How lucky you are Blackie to have a surgery so close to your home :)

It's a good idea to write down what you want to discuss with your Dr. Are you going on your own or taking someone with you? I have found that I am much better if I take my partner with me as quite often I get myself so worked up in the surgery that when I get home I've forgetten half of what the Dr has told me and have to get my partner to remind me.

Good luck with your appointment, I hope it goes well for you :D

01-06-07, 14:55
Hi - hope it goes well for you. I write down stuff when I go to the DR's as I seem to have a memory problem and forget what I wanted to say. It also saves time and more time for the Dr to speak.

Good luck and let us know how it went.

01-06-07, 15:04
Hi Blackie,

Good luck at the docs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


01-06-07, 15:33
Good luck hun. xxxxx

01-06-07, 16:30
thanks all for you kind words and encouragment.
I made it to the doc's feeling terriable. But stuck it out. My mum came with me, i still dont have the conferdence to do it alone. I went in to see the doc by myself and had a good meeting. He is going to refer me back to the mental health team centre as there is a new doctor there who is ment to be very good. Also he is writting letter so i can take my ou exam from home.
Hopefully this is the start of getting better
Take care

01-06-07, 16:40
Nice one. Give yourself a huge pat on the back. :D

Hope the mental health team get in touch soon.