View Full Version : Lightheaded/off balance swaying sensation

11-08-17, 08:27
Hi all, it's been a while. Hope you all are well.
I ended up with pretty severe anxiety at the beginning of the year & was having many constant symptoms including shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, etc. Many medical tests later doctors came to the conclusion that it's anxiety. I'd agree considering most of my symptoms are pretty much gone, including the previously most troublesome one being feeling short of breath.
One thing that has pretty much lingered is this lightheaded/dream state exhausted feeling and I've shared this before. However have had some recent stressful times in life. I've been at a new job for a few months now and can become extremely stressed there a lot as it can be a bit of a hasty & hostile environment at times. More importantly, I had a close family member die last month in a way that was very sudden & tragic that I will not share as it may be triggering for some. That really increased the anxiety and I didn't sleep well for days after finding out leading up to the funeral. It's still been hard to deal with.
The lightheaded feeling tends to feel like I'm in a dream state, sometimes it seems like things are swaying. It tends to stick around throughout the day, though I get a few sudden breaks from it but just as fast as I realize it, it's back. I also feel very tired at various times throughout the day. Admittedly I fear the symptoms & start thinking the "what ifs" but I had so many tests a few months ago including blood tests, head & neck MRI, head CT. All were normal. And if my other anxiety symptoms faded surely this will go as well?

Any tips on this? This site has been so helpful & I am grateful. I am going out more often in fact a couple of weekends ago I was out dancing for a few songs at a party and didn't even think about any dizzy or lightheaded feelings. So I know I can get a hold on this & if I've had this for 7 plus months without anything drastic like fainting or falling (big fear) ever happening, surely it can't be that serious?

Thank you all.

11-08-17, 08:51
This sounds a lot like depersonalisation which is very common with anxiety. This is the most horrible of all the anxiety symptoms for me and often the first to come and the last to leave. Eventually it will go away but it can take a while even when anxiety seems to be under control.

12-08-17, 05:34
This sounds a lot like depersonalisation which is very common with anxiety. This is the most horrible of all the anxiety symptoms for me and often the first to come and the last to leave. Eventually it will go away but it can take a while even when anxiety seems to be under control.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I figured for a while it seems like depersonalization, but hearing that confirmation is comforting. Some days it's worse than others and like I said there's moments when it's gone. I woke up with a particularly uneasy spell & neared a panic attack, went swimming later in the evening and it did help some but still feeling it. I don't have my anxiety completely wrangled yet & fear symptoms which is probably what keeps it lingering, but I am getting better about it. It's very odd, not a true dizziness per say as in the room spinning vertigo, though I did have a couple of spells like that a month ago. However, I also ended up getting sick & went to the doctor who confirmed I had a upper respiratory infection & congestion in my ears, which probably caused the vertigo. Got antibiotics & haven't had the vertigo happen since, but the DP feelings remain the same for 7-8 months more or less. Though they are improving IMO.