View Full Version : Just don't feel like my self ...

11-08-17, 09:00
Hi I'm new here and I just don't feel like my self ATM .. I have been diagnosed with labyrinthis but I go abroad in a few weeks (2) to get married and I'm so worried. I feel really out of it and tired and not here I'm not sure what's wrong with me I wonder if I'm dying or when I will feel better .. is my anxiety making me
Worse ? Possibly I've had this for a week already I'm so scared I won't be okay .. what is wrong with me?

11-08-17, 10:29
Hello, my mother in law had Labyrinthitis, and I don't know much about the treatment she had, but I do know that it can be a horrible condition. I think anything ear-related makes you feel like a space cadet. She said she felt "unreal" and "outer body" a lot of the time. Unfortunately anxiety can produce symptoms like this as well, so maybe your anxiety might be making your symptoms worse? But the Labyrinthitis is more than enough by itself to make you feel like this.

Are they treating it? Lovely getting married (congratulations!), but can also be hugely stressful. Might it be worth going back to your doc and asking if there's anything they can give you to help with your symptoms on the day of your wedding and also the day before?

11-08-17, 10:55
Could just be anxiety, sometimes i feel out of place and weird feeling but usually something triggers it. For example i watched a movie about a guy who had HIV and later died from it, well just watching the movie triggered my anxiety, even though i know 100% that i dont have HIV because ive been tested, it still triggered this worried feeling all over. Now what i am describing may not be the same as what you're describing but im trying to relate to you. I guess the best way to put it is,you feel like something bad is happening or is going to happen, i never go into a panic attack but i do feel like im on the verge of one at times.

11-08-17, 19:34
I defiantly have labyrinthis I have cyclizine for the symptoms .. but I also feel like I have cotton wool in my head , major eye pain, I feel dizzy and sick... in so anxious thou I can't keep cool I feel so unwell I'm sure it's something major wrong but they are all missing t. I do wonder if it will all stay until after my wedding day and then go after the stress.