View Full Version : Do you ever get the overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen?

11-08-17, 11:03
When i was a kid i would get this terrible feeling that something bad was happening or going to happen, it would literally have me on the verge of a panic attack, i would sorta lose sense of what was going on i guess because i didn't understand the feeling but i now know it's anxiety, but its not the typical anxiety i read about, for example i have health anxiety so i know what causes those fears, but what about when you're worried and have no explanation or reason to be worried? This used to be so bad id cry and feel sick to my stomach because i was so worried and had such a weird feeling come over me. It hasnt ever gotten this nad since i was a kid, i figured i grew iut of it mostly although i do get a mild episode once in a blue moon. I figured it could be hormone imbalance i hear it happens to men as well as women, i say this because my sister has this same issue and her doctors blame hormones which is true because she gets a hormone treatment and it reduces her panic attacks. Im not asking for a diagnosis im just wondering if anyone else experiences this has any information on it because i now stay away from Google id like to hear it from someone who exoeriences themselves.

11-08-17, 11:40
“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~John Allen Paulos

11-08-17, 18:36
Have you started on the meds? What about the referral for therapy?

Positive thoughts?

12-08-17, 05:46
Well me and my docter talked and we agreed itd be best to try therapy before turning to medication so no never started the medication. As for the therapy i still have yet to hear from them regarding an appointment so my patients arw running out so tuesday when i go in for some blood work ill be getting to the bottom of that. As for my overall anxiety i think im doing better i very rarely touch my lymph nodes i usually go a week or so and not even think about them. I still can't stand to hear the word cancer its weird because i watch tv and they akwayd advertise medication and one of the side effects is always possibly cancer and just hearing the word makes me feel uneasy.

---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:43 ----------

Also one day i was painting my living room and i felt good and was in a good mood and then all of sudden i felt out of place and my anxiety kicked in, i didnt feel confused or anythinf it was just a weird feeling like i used to get as a kid, this was 2 years ago but i still remember it like it jist happened.

12-08-17, 23:22
I get these feelings often and it is terrible. For me it is like a sense of doom. I don't even know where it comes from sometimes. I have experienced this throughout my life, as well...just more since having my son.
My fear revolves around my son getting cancer. And like you, just hearing the word makes me become anxious. I don't about you but I also seem to see and hear things about it all the time...atleast it seems that way.

13-08-17, 23:08
If you mean what i think you mean than yes same goes for me, the word cancer just stands out more to us worriers, so if it's mentioned in a commercial, movie, show or anywhere then our brains automatically recognises it because it's something that weighs on our minds alot.

14-08-17, 05:53
Yes...that is what I meant. It's like we are hypersensitive to it. I feel anxiety just typing the word.

14-08-17, 07:26
Yes, a pervasive sense of doom, that something awful is going to happen. I think it is one sign of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). The good news for me is that my meds have got it under control most of the time.

15-08-17, 06:37
When i was a kid i would get this terrible feeling that something bad was happening or going to happen, it would literally have me on the verge of a panic attack, i would sorta lose sense of what was going on i guess because i didn't understand the feeling but i now know it's anxiety, but its not the typical anxiety i read about, for example i have health anxiety so i know what causes those fears, but what about when you're worried and have no explanation or reason to be worried? This used to be so bad id cry and feel sick to my stomach because i was so worried and had such a weird feeling come over me. It hasnt ever gotten this nad since i was a kid, i figured i grew iut of it mostly although i do get a mild episode once in a blue moon. I figured it could be hormone imbalance i hear it happens to men as well as women, i say this because my sister has this same issue and her doctors blame hormones which is true because she gets a hormone treatment and it reduces her panic attacks. Im not asking for a diagnosis im just wondering if anyone else experiences this has any information on it because i now stay away from Google id like to hear it from someone who exoeriences themselves.
It is known as the sense of impending doom and is very common with anxiety and depression.
My father used to suffer badly with it.

15-08-17, 06:52
I used to have the "impending doom" feeling a lot, and only once was it correct, and I'm sure that was a coincidence. I've noticed that I don't get it much after being on Lexapro.

15-08-17, 12:36
All the time! I actually got some very good news, not health related, a week ago and ever since I've had this feeling of dread that something terrible is going to happen to even up the score, so to speak. I keep telling myself it's anxiety, but unfortunately that doesn't help the sense of impending doom I can't get away from. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

16-08-17, 05:05
I used to have the "impending doom" feeling a lot, and only once was it correct, and I'm sure that was a coincidence. I've noticed that I don't get it much after being on Lexapro.

Lexapro is really good :yesyes: