View Full Version : Had pelvic scan, found something on Ovary, re scan in a month, very worried !

11-08-17, 11:05
I had my pelvic scan this morning, and the radiographer, asked me if i had been having any pain. I had only experienced pain during my last period which was quite severe and lasted 2 days. She said it looked like i had a cyst that had burst/collapsed. She seemed unsure and called another lady who said it looked like a burst cyst but wasn't 100% sure and wants to re-scan me in 4 weeks. :weep: I am now terrified that it is a cancerous growth. She did say that if they thought it was something sinister they would have had me stay for the on call team to look at me. However they are fast tracking the results to my GP for Monday and I will be having a phone consultation with him. Any words of reassurance?
Feeling very panicky !

11-08-17, 12:09
Hi, sorry that's really stressful. Only that cysts are really really common, and it's a radiographer's job just to refer you on to be sure - anything sinister and they would have got you to stay.

Catherine S
11-08-17, 15:00
I had an ovarian cyst show up on a scan too some years ago, and yes they're really common. Try not to worry too much. Four weeks is a long time to ask somebody to wait to be re-scanned If they thought it was anything sinister.


11-08-17, 15:04
Thank you both. The GP phoned and wants me to have a blood test also :weep: is this normal procedure? They also said there was some fluid around the ovary.

Pea Tear Griffin
11-08-17, 16:23
I think everyone has lumps or bumps somewhere in their body.

11-08-17, 16:53
That's normal for them to check everything. I get scanned every 6 months and usually have a cyst and then they go and do an ultrasound and it's seriously all the time. I always have free standing fluid in my pelvis.

12-08-17, 08:33
Thank you all. I know logically they are just being cautious, but a HA mind is not logical where health is concerned ! Does anyone know if the CA-125 blood test is performed as precaution too?

12-08-17, 08:48
The CA-125 and pelvic scan are generally both done together for a thorough investigation into ovary issues.

12-08-17, 08:55
Ah thanks, It is going to be an anxious 4 weeks i think ! I do get moments of calmness when i remember that both radiographers said it looked like a collapsed cyst...but they don't last long. Stupid HA !

12-08-17, 09:28
The CA-125 blood test will be doubly reassuring for you and you will know that you have a very accurate diagnosis of the problem. You certainly wouldn't be told to come back in a month if there was any suspicion of anything sinister but I know how worrying it is when you have to have further tests even for benign cysts.