View Full Version : A Whinge!!!!!!!

01-06-07, 14:26
Hi All:hugs:

Just need a moan and some sympathy lol

At 2am Tuesday morning I awoke with dreadful tummy pains!!!

Anyhow after seeing a nurse and a doctor and having a blood test it turns out I have pancreitis.

The pain in my tummy and back has been agony!!!:weep:

Its been cuased by not eating and too much booze due to recent stress:lac:

01-06-07, 14:47
Aww mate, have loads of sympathy from me :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hopefully you will start to feel better soon, sometimes it seems like it is one thing after another doesn't it :mad:

Chin up mate


Trac xxxx

01-06-07, 14:51
Have some hugs from me Kazzie
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope you are feeling better soon !


01-06-07, 16:23
oh Kazzie that sounds painfull, Ive heard of it before but never heard anyone say they got that. Hope you recover real soon and return to a more healthier lifestyle.

take care

01-06-07, 16:35
You can have plenty of sympathy from me hun - it's totally understandable that your normal regime has gone to pot recently.

However Kaz now it's time to look after YOU!!!:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

Granny Primark
01-06-07, 16:54
Hugs kazzie,
My best mate Gills hubby suffers with the same thing.
He was rushed into to hospital 2 years ago and was kept in for 2 weeks.
He was in enormous pain and told not to drink alcahol.
He didnt work for over a year.
Ive seen him really ill with it.
Hes loads better now thank goodness.
Im sure now the docs have detected it you will be fine.:yesyes:

Loads of love and good wishes kazzie:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Take care

01-06-07, 17:11
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--02.gif Sorry to hear that kazz,hope you are better soon.:hugs:

01-06-07, 17:41
Awww Kaz I'm so sorry to hear that mate. I do hope you feel alot better very soon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Glad to read the funeral went ok, so proud of you for how you've coped with everything.

Take care, look after yourself,

Lisa x

01-06-07, 18:19
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Still dont know if im off to hospital or not!!!:shrug:

To top it all still got Mikes mate Ian here he is 71 and as subtle as a brick spends all day and all evening sitting on sofa opposite where I sit staring and silent then when hubby comes in he interrupts private conversations and talks all over the top of you!!!!:lac:

If you turn the tv on he gets louder and louder so can only watch tv on subtitles at mo!!!:mad:

Oh and the iceing on the cake one of my nippers mates came in from work on Weds and dropped dead!!!!!:weep:


Kaz x x x

Ps Ian going back up to Bonny Scotland on Thurs tho:yesyes:

01-06-07, 18:35
Aww Kaz :hugs:

Have a (((BIG HUG)

I hope you are feeling better soon :hugs:

Karen xx

01-06-07, 18:46
Thanks Karen:hugs:

Just heard from doc and im ok!!!!:yesyes:

Tests show pancreas almost back to normal!!!!

Was worth 5 days only being allowed water and nothing else!!!

Still got no appetite but spect it will come back

Not allowed any booze for a few weeks but I can live without it especially after this!!!!

Hope you all have a good weekend:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Ps can anyone suggest anything small to eat that might tempt me to start eating again???????

01-06-07, 19:04

What a nightmare time you are having.

Glad you are better now :hugs: :hugs:

01-06-07, 19:53
Thanks Nic:hugs:

Hows the job going???

You feeling better after your accident??

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

01-06-07, 19:55
Dearie me you have been through the mill hun.
How about bland foods like semolina, custard, jelly, or boiled rice with just a bit of flavouring in? They are my 'ill' foods. Chicken soup is always popular with folk in my house, I can't stand the stuff, but it works for them!

You will get better soon and it is no surprise thing have gone awry recently.
Take care of yourself though hunny and try to eat just little bits to give you some energy.


02-06-07, 01:18
Awww Kaz really feel for you with all you're had to deal with mate :hugs:

Good news that the test results were good :yesyes:

Take care,

Lisa x

02-06-07, 10:13
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: kazzie
hope you on the way to getting well again

02-06-07, 11:23
Thanks Everyone:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-06-07, 11:49

Piglet :flowers:

02-06-07, 11:51
Hope you are felling better today Kazzie !

:hugs: :hugs:


Pink Princess
02-06-07, 13:25
Where do i start?


have some hugs firstly as you deserve them for coping with the funeral and being very very strong!! xx


sympathy hugs for your sore tummy, glad its better and hoping it completely runs away once you scare it with some food! xxx

as for the telly...emmm....:sly:...lock him in the cupboard for a few programmes a day :winks:

now for eating ... me and you should be eating buddies? its easy for people to say you have to eat, but as you know its not easy for you to tell your tummy to feel hungry. so we will be eating buddies now and i will make sure you eat!... or minnie will send another letter which will bite you from her:tongue:

your getting there kazzie, so dont give up! your doing brilliant!!

keep smiling..if you dont, the world falls down you know?
lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


minnie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-06-07, 14:16
Hi Kaz, Glad To Hear Your Doing Better, And I Know How That Feels With Company Taking Over Ya Just Wanna Run..lol......well Im Sure Things Will Get Back The Way Ya Had Them Soon, I Wish Ya The Best Just Rest ...................linda Tcxx

02-06-07, 15:15
Thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

02-06-07, 19:14
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Sorry Im not around much but im in bed most of the time due to the pain......tho its muchbetter now its still sore and bed is the comfiest place for it grrrrrrrrrr

Hope to catch up with all your posts and be back in chat soon:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

02-06-07, 23:23
Hi Kaz,

You just take care of yourself right now and rest as much as you need to :flowers:

Even if you can't post we're all thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

03-06-07, 19:43
Thanks Lis an All:flowers:

Well Im much better today:yesyes:

1st day of not being out me face on painkillers:yesyes:

Went out to the open day at the animal sanctuary where Mikes animals were rehomed and gave them some money we raised from a collection at his funeral!!! They were pleased with that:yesyes:

Then went to beach and had a bacon sarnie for lunch.....appetite is back too!!!

Home now and feeling sore!!!!

Will be back in chat soon just hurts to hunch over laptop at the mo!!!

Take care all

Lots of luv

Kaz x x x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

03-06-07, 19:51
Hi Kazzie

So pleased to hear you are feeling better !:) and things are gradually improving for you hun!

Hope tommorrows even better for you! Hugs to you Kazzie :hugs: :hugs:


03-06-07, 20:18
:hugs: Kazzie

glad to see you are picking up!

that was nice you gave the money to the animal place, very thoughtful hun.


03-06-07, 22:53
Hi Kaz,

Glad you are feeling better today and had a nice day. Awww lovely about the animal sanctuary too.


Lisa x

03-06-07, 23:56
Aww glad to hear you're feeling brighter mate!! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

04-06-07, 13:52
Thanks Andrea Happy Lis and Piglet:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Still a bit achey today but okies!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

04-06-07, 14:22
Glad you're ok mate :hugs:

Lisa x

Pink Princess
04-06-07, 16:11
hey kaz!!

glad your better now, hope to see you in chat again soon xxxxxx

lots of cuddles waiting for you there xxxxxx

love and hugs

minnie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-06-07, 16:17
Thanks Lis and Millie xx

Well today is ok but im paying for overdoing it yesterday all achey in ribs and back again grrrrrrr

Just taken some painkillers so will be back in la la land again soon I guess:wacko:

Dont worry Pink I will be back in chat soon it just hurts to hunch over laptop at the mo:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x

04-06-07, 16:51
Take care mate :hugs:

Lisa x

05-06-07, 17:07

I'm sorry to hear you have not been well. I can't believe all the trouble you are having at the moment!

Hope you feel better soon. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

05-06-07, 17:17
Hi All:hugs:

Thanks Shoe:flowers:

Thanks Lis:flowers:

Well im feeling much better today!!!:yesyes:

Bloody Ian is still here he is sooooooooooooooo annoying!!!!

I got a silk flower arrangement for him to put at Loch Lomond when he sprinkles Mikes ashes and he had decided to keep it as a keepsake of Mike ffs!!!

I have given him loads of bits and peices to remember him by why does he need MY floral tribute????

Also he fell over my internet connection cable today poking his nose in as usual and ripped all the wires out of it tryed to blame my son then sniggered about it!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am so patient usually but I just want him gone!!!!!! Roll on Thursday!!!!

And to top it all I told him I dident want any money when he offered me some for his keep(he has been here 2 weeks) so he blew all his and i have had to lend him money an all!!!!!

Sorry for the rant just had to vent somewhere other than his throat lol

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Now he is sitting opposite me arms folded staring at me:lac:

Granny Primark
05-06-07, 18:04
Oh dear kazzie!!!!
You really must have the patience of a saint. No wonder you cant wait til Thursday.
Cant you lock him in a cupboard like minnie says? lol
Glad to know your feeling better and im sure when your lodger has gone youl feel on top of the world.

Loads of love

05-06-07, 18:05
Hi Kazzie

Glad to hear you are feeling much better !!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Sounds like you cant wait for Thursday to arrive !!lol:ohmy:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


05-06-07, 18:28
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thinking of you Kaz and glad you're feeling better.

Can you just tell him that you really want the floral tribute to go with the ashes, it's your right to say that mate as like you say it's your tribute! Sounds like Thursday can't come soon enough mate :hugs:

Lisa x

06-06-07, 14:50
Hi Kaz,

Hope you're having a good day today mate and that your guest is behaving himself!

Thinking of you,


Lisa x

06-06-07, 15:06
Thanks Lis:hugs:

Well he is behaving at the mo but that said has been out till half hour ago!!!

Hubby has picked Mikes ashes up from undertaker today for Ian to take back to Scotland tomm so he best not start tonight:lac:

Just countin the hours now till the Glasgow coach pulls out of the station at 8.35am tomm morning:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Im starting to feel the whole nightmare of the last 2 months is behind me at last:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-06-07, 15:19
Aww Kaz not long to go now, Mike would be so proud of how you've coped with everything mate :hugs:

Lisa x

06-06-07, 15:40
Thanks Lis:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x

06-06-07, 16:14
Kaz your description of Ian did make me smile hun - specially the bit about sat there glaring with his arms folded!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-06-07, 12:43
Hi Kaz,

Hope you're well today. Are you enjoying peace and quite yet mate?


Lisa x

07-06-07, 13:08
Lol Piglet:D

Yes Lis peace reigns:yesyes:

Feel rather odd today now that Ian has gone......not that I wasent glad to see the back of him but now he has taken Mikes ashes I feel a bit I dunno redundant I spose!!!

Ive lived this nightmare for 2 months now and I cant believe that its over!!!

It dosent seem right not having anything to organise:lac:

The police will have their final report in about 2 weeks so then we will finally know what went on that fateful night:weep:

Well spose I should be enjoying the peace now so I best go do that!!!:yesyes:

Thank you all for listening to my witterings these last few weeks:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-06-07, 13:27

Love Piglet xx

07-06-07, 16:34
Hi Kaz,

Glad peace has been restored mate :yesyes:

It's natural for you to feel this way now things are over mate :hugs:

Hope you're had a restful afternoon.

Lisa x

07-06-07, 17:51
Thanks Piglet and Lis:hugs:

It sure is peaceful:yesyes:

Trouble is its Thursday night which was always pub night pre pancreitis:yesyes:

Tonight I am fight ing the urge to go out for a few pints with my mates:lac:

I could drink soft drinks but know i wont:lac:

Trouble is I have no willpower:blush:

I know I can have a couple of pints but can I stop there:shrug:

God I sound like an old alkie lol:ohmy:

Thanks again all for the support:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-06-07, 18:10
Hi Kazzie

Cant think of anyone better that deserves a little peace now:)

And if you do decide to go out, i hope you have a lovely evening with your friends.:)


07-06-07, 20:53
Thanks Andrea:flowers:

Dident go out in the end.......sitting here trying to fight urge to open nicely chilled bottle of wine thats in fridge:lac:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-06-07, 23:08
Hi Kaz,

Well done for doing the sensible thing and staying in mate :hugs: There will be plenty of other times to go to the pub. I can't say I understand how hard not being able to go and have a drink is as I hate all alcohol and am intolerant to it aswell but I do feel for you as must be hard if you like it :hugs: .

Lisa x

09-06-07, 23:26
How you doing Kaz?

Lisa x

11-06-07, 21:50
Hi Lis

Im ok thanks mate!!!!

My nipper is upset tonight he has his mates funeral on Wednesday:weep:

Hope You are ok Lis and everyone else:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-06-07, 22:17
Hey there Kaz!
Lost touch with your thread for a few days.
Sympathise with the not going out to the pub for health reasons, I should really abstain too! (I have just drunk a half bottle of champagne though! It is our anniversary and I am allowed some!)

You are doing well hun!:hugs:


12-06-07, 00:02
Glad you're ok Kaz.

Aww I do feel for your nipper.

Take care,


Lisa x

12-06-07, 09:50

Piglet :flowers:

12-06-07, 18:45
Hi Kazzie

Hope all goes well for your nipper tommo,:hugs: :hugs:

And hope you are feeling much better too :hugs: :hugs:


12-06-07, 20:55
Thank You All:hugs:

Poor Rich is really feeling it tonight bless him

Dont help that we have a huge floral tribute for his mate sat in the bath tonight my mate is a florist and I seem to have custody of said tribute lol

Hope everyone is well:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-06-07, 15:39
Hi Kaz,

Hope you're well :hugs:

Thinking of Rich today too.

Lisa x

13-06-07, 20:37
Thanks Lis:hugs:

Well it all went ok today Rich is in bed now sound asleep (he was up all night)

Its just horrid when your kids are hurting you just want to make it better but sadly a plaster is not much use on this occasion lol

Take Care All

Luv Kaz:hugs:

13-06-07, 22:19
You're welcome mate :flowers:

I'm glad it went ok today and it must be hard when you can't make it better for him, but I bet you've really helped him recently, you seem such a lovely caring person he's lucky to have you as his Mum :hugs:

Take care,

Lisa x

13-06-07, 22:29
Awwwww thanks Lis :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: