View Full Version : Indescribable thought or feeling

11-08-17, 13:04
Hi guys,

lately I've been bothered by being overcome by either a thought or feeling where everything feels mutated and complicated and abstract and nuanced. It's very hard to describe. It's like my perception becomes warped and I'm not sure if it's a thought or a feeling or something worse like a disability developing.

for example, I could be looking a box and knowing it's a box .. but then all of a sudden out of nowhere something appears, I feel in my mind, that feels alien and packed with so much stuff that i can't describe or name any part of what's happening to me. It's like something shifts and nothing computes and I feels frustrated and terrified because of it.

I wasn't even sure where to post this, but I have had a few panic attacks this year so I'm hoping it's an anxiety symptom.
Though because I can't describe it really, I can't research about it or find anyone else that knows what I'm talking about. I guess it's swift periods where my perception of every thing (object, word, thought, concept etc) becomes warped and impossible to comprehend or deal with. I feel lost, inhuman and mentally ill because of it.

It's like someone tapping you on the shoulder every now and then for months and not being able to see what it is, even once.

Despite how dark this all may sound, I'm otherwise keeping positive and holding hope.

If someone could help me out, they'd be a God. :hugs:

Thank you. :)

12-08-17, 06:46
It kind of sounds like derealization that often accompanies depression. Maybe you should read up on it and see if it makes sense as to what you're experiencing.