View Full Version : Good day, everyone

11-08-17, 19:40
Hello. Long long time lurker of this forum. It's about time I joined.

I'm Joni, 36 years old. Wife to an amazing husband and mother to 4 cats.

I am an alcoholic. I drank daily for 6 years. From the second I opened my eyes to the moment I passed out. I drank to keep the anxiety at bay. 1 month ago I went to the hospital via ambulance. I medically detoxed and I haven't had a drink since.

My anxiety is still present and my emotions and nerves are raw. While I have no more physical symptoms of withdrawal I have several emotional ones.

I suffer from medically diagnosed agoraphobia, OCD, and panic disorder. My big issue is my health. I become hyper focused on one thing. This round it happens to be my heart. Next it could be breast cancer or stroke. Who knows.

Anyways, that's my short story of where I am now. Taking it day by day for now. Thanks for having a read everyone.

Xoxo Joni

11-08-17, 19:45
Hiya SassyEdwards and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

17-08-17, 15:08
Good morning SassyEdwards, in my case you're "preaching to the choir, sister". I have dealt with OCD, Agoraphobia, and PA since 1999; and my main focus has always been my health.

The best thing I can tell you is be proactive in fighting the condition. Just last night I suffered a mild panic attack. Knew I was having one and had it anyway. Currently I treat mine with a classic combination of Fluoxetine 40mg, 3-Burpirone 10mg, and good old fashion meditation. This has work well for a few years after a number of other medical and self-proscribed methods.

The point is to keep trying. Your story says you are strong and smart, and hopefully you have a great support system behind you. All you can do dear is do this for yourself and never give up finding relief. Usually these things come from other unresolved issues, so seek counseling if you can. Best to you on your journey and remember NMP is here for you.

18-08-17, 21:18
Hi Sassy,

can I just say how brave you are posting your story on here and well done for beating the bottle!

its really random but have you ever thought about jucing fruit and veg for your health? its weird but when I done it and added it to my diet I felt so much better and it just made me feel like I was doing something about my health?

Hope you enjoy this site we are all here to support :)
