View Full Version : Thinking about coming off Citalopram

11-08-17, 23:06
Hi everyone,

I've been on Citalopram 10mg for about 2 years now and starting to think about whether it's time to come off it. I tried to come off them this time last year, but then it was a bit of a difficult time with illness in the family and I was feeling irritable and short tempered, so I went back on to them after a few weeks.

They've worked really well for me, but I've gained a lot of weight, and while I'm happy to take them if I need them I don't really want to be on medication long-term if I can manage without them.

I've been on Citalopram a couple of times before over the last 10 years, but only for about 6 months and had no trouble coming off. I have had problems getting started with it last time though - horrible side effects for the first couple of weeks!!

Just wondering what other people's thoughts and experiences are on this?! I'd love to be off medication but the thought of the anxiety and panic coming back scares the life out of me if I'm honest! It might just be a confidence problem, but it might be that staying on them could help prevent relapse so I just can't decide which way to go...

Thanks xx

12-08-17, 00:02
Hello! My experiences are very similar to yours.

10mg is actually a low dose. It wouldn't be as hard to come off it as it would be if you were on 40mg.

Have you talked in much depth to your GP about how to taper off? You probably already know how to do this, but GPs in my experience keep suggesting new 'rules' to work by; that could help you. Knowledge is power - might help alleviate your fears, if you know you can come off slowly.

I came down to 10mg from 20mg a few weeks ago. I was really itchy and my sleep was disturbed as the side effects of coming down. I was more anxious, but it was 'normal' levels of anxiety. As humans, feeling a level of anxiety in difficult situations is normal and nothing to worry about.

When I noticed I felt more anxious, I questioned - why I am anxious right now? Oh. it's because this awful thing happened/is happening. Ok, that's reasonable, being anxious is a very human reasonable response to what's going on. ...there would only be a problem if it's a disproportionate level of anxiety about something that shouldn't make you feel that bad.

Whatever you decide to do, you're doing the right thing. Trust your instincts. There's never any shame of coming off really slowly or going back on them. Good luck. xx

12-08-17, 07:49
Thanks Lior, that's really helpful :) I'm due for a review with my GP this month so will have a chat with them.

I think that's spot on really - it's knowing I am going to experience anxiety (with or without the pills!!) but unpleasant as that is a lot of that is just normal, not the anxiety coming back.

I've had some counselling and CBT and feeling much better these days, but I do have the fear of having the panic attacks back - they're just so horrible when they happen. Maybe having some extra coping strategies up my sleeve would help! :)

16-08-17, 21:46
Hi. I have been on Citalopram for 8 years. Last year I felt so well I decided to implement a very slow withdrawal. This took several months as I was concerned I did not destabilise my mental health. Finally took my last dose in March. By April, my anxiety returned, along with the most awful intrusive thoughts. Back on 20 MGM, but to date ( 4 months), have not found any relief, and feel totally miserable. I certainly would not suggest this will happen to you, and I realise we all react differently to changes, but please consider your options carefully, and at least consult your doctor. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

30-08-17, 11:39
So just a little update - tapered down to 5mg, then stopped taking these altogether about a week ago. Seems to be going well so far - a few withdrawal effects but nothing too bad. Will see how things go now over the next couple of weeks. I'll be straight back on them if the anxiety/panic comes back!! x