View Full Version : Blood in nose and mouth? Blister?

12-08-17, 04:23
So last night I thought I had a small black pepper stuck to the inner lining of my cheeks near my mouth so I tried to remove it with my finger. But when I looked at my finger, it had blood on it. I don't exactly know what that was since that was my first time experiencing it.

I tried googling and found that it more or less look like a blood blister? But the blister I got compared to the ones on google was relatively smaller.

Would this mean something sinister? I'm worried.

Also, this might seem gross, but I pick my nose throughly everyday to clean it. And sometimes the snot that I get from my nose would be mixed up by a small bit of blood.

Is it because the inner linings of my nose got sensitive? I'm worried about this as well.

I've never got an actual nosebleed or mouthbleed that I can consider as spontaneous or anything but for the past two to three months, I'm having a leukemia scare and these are some symptoms of leukemia. And despite me having normal CBC a month ago, I get still pretty scared about these.

Thank you for reading and I greatly appreciate your thoughts and replies!

12-08-17, 05:09
Daisy, please stop googling and reassurance seeking! This is what keeps these fears alive.

It's absolutely absolutely normal to bleed a little in your nose, especially if you pick it, and even a little blood in your mouth is normal. This just happens with some people and there may be no apparent reason for it.. I'm the same. I had the exact same worry as you a couple of years ago as you know with very similar symptoms and here I am today, fine and well.

Besides, if your CBC was fine then there really is no point in worrying.

13-08-17, 00:47
I had a little purple blister in my mouth inside my cheek. It was from catching it with my teeth x

13-08-17, 05:11
@Toby, okay okay I won't stop worrying anymore :)

@Pepperpot, how was it? Did it heal already? I don't remember my teeth bumping into my cheek lining when I had mine though.

14-08-17, 01:17
It was a little dark purple lump you may have done it in your sleep. I've had a root canal done over a week ago and dentist said it should not be tender after a few days but every morning when I wake it aches cos I'm clearly clenching my jaw. So maybe you've done this in your sleep. The purple lump went after a few days x

19-08-17, 13:24
It was a little dark purple lump you may have done it in your sleep. I've had a root canal done over a week ago and dentist said it should not be tender after a few days but every morning when I wake it aches cos I'm clearly clenching my jaw. So maybe you've done this in your sleep. The purple lump went after a few days x

I swear I didn't see it like after I woke up, I think it developed as the day progressed and I accidentally popped it off when the bumped had developed. Good thing it didn't come back anymore and the redness around the area completely faded sooj after.