View Full Version : New Debate:

12-08-17, 16:07
I would like other members views on this: Police Pay Abuser £10,000 for information that led to around 17 more arrests in your view was this the right way to approach this and could they have had success in these arrests using traditional methods?? Personaly to me this is aborhent and distasteful. Any comments welcome Thanks :) Cheers

12-08-17, 19:03
I don't agree with this at all, the police shouldn't have to pay criminals to extract information from them, It shows weakness on their part. The police force is rapidly losing respect amongst the public because they seem to be more interested in enforcing diversity and shutting down free speech rather than catching real criminals.

As a result of this political correctness, criminals no longer fear the police or their time in jail, you can see that on the faces of those arrested. These criminals know the British prison system is soft and the prisons they will go to are probably being run by their friends.

12-08-17, 19:12
Police paying criminals isn't something I have an issue with, it's the extreme nature of what they did in this case. The attitudes of senior servicing policemen was beyond belief in defending their actions, "can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs". :doh:

They deflect criticism by saying tell it to the children he saved from abuse. This this I would have replied, "really, tell it to the children he enjoyed raping & abusing". And what contol do they have over this monster doing it outside of his cases? They have given him a green light to carry on and if he is found to be doing it outside of the cases I bet they would give him a slap on the wrist as they wouldn't want to lose his role...considering their disgusting attitudes.

A full inquiry into the methods of this police force is definately needed. How far would they go? Would they even bring children in themselves to be provided to gangs? Sounds extreme? It's only a next step on the path they are travelling.

12-08-17, 19:52
£10,000? Geez it would have been alot cheaper if they just tied him up hung him upside down and burned a batch of chillies beneath him that would have got him talking in no time. I'm just kidding it is definitely a waste of taxpayers money but I guess it like that old method of letting the small fry go to catch the bigger fish. I would like to know how many other times this waste of money has been recorded.

12-08-17, 20:39
£10,000? Geez it would have been alot cheaper if they just tied him up hung him upside down and burned a batch of chillies beneath him that would have got him talking in no time. I'm just kidding it is definitely a waste of taxpayers money but I guess it like that old method of letting the small fry go to catch the bigger fish. I would like to know how many other times this waste of money has been recorded.

He was a convicted child rapist who was paid to become an undercover grass and told to infiltrate gangs. Some he is supposed to have known before.

The argument seems to be that they couldn't infliltrate them and decided to do this rather than normal agreed intelligence gathering.

It's undercover work gone too far for me. I know they are supposed to pay terrorists too but this is surely different as those are to stop acts where as these are to catch them after the fact to maximise sentences.

I was glad to see the judge ruled his name could be exposed in the court case. Whilst it's legally protected from the public, it might be something happen to him by other means?

12-08-17, 20:52
I don't agree with this at all, the police shouldn't have to pay criminals to extract information from them, It shows weakness on their part. The police force is rapidly losing respect amongst the public because they seem to be more interested in enforcing diversity and shutting down free speech rather than catching real criminals.

As a result of this political correctness, criminals no longer fear the police or their time in jail, you can see that on the faces of those arrested. These criminals know the British prison system is soft and the prisons they will go to are probably being run by their friends. I felt sick when I saw it on the news the thing is though the other 17 arrested must have been know to some degree to the authourities at lease in some way, just feel it was quicker way to find them I guess still doesn't make it right though:mad: As for soft prisons that another debate for another thread :) Cheers

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:49 ----------

£10,000? Geez it would have been alot cheaper if they just tied him up hung him upside down and burned a batch of chillies beneath him that would have got him talking in no time. I'm just kidding it is definitely a waste of taxpayers money but I guess it like that old method of letting the small fry go to catch the bigger fish. I would like to know how many other times this waste of money has been recorded. Yeah it would and the thing is this grass will get police protection and may be given a reduction in their sentence to me that is bang out of order totally it stinks mate. Cheers

12-08-17, 20:56
Yeah it would and the thing is this grass will get police protection and may be given a reduction in their sentence to me that is bang out of order totally it stinks mate. Cheers

Reduction in sentence? He will have immunity, they asked him to commit crimes to inflitrate the gang. That's part of the problem, we took a dangerous man and told him to have all the fun he wanted just so someone could get a result.

He probably will get protection, just as many sex offenders get, because his name has been exposed to the gang he put away. Here's hoping to some sloppy policing and news of some retribution to restore some order to this disgusting affair...:whistles:

12-08-17, 22:07
Reduction in sentence? He will have immunity, they asked him to commit crimes to inflitrate the gang. That's part of the problem, we took a dangerous man and told him to have all the fun he wanted just so someone could get a result.

He probably will get protection, just as many sex offenders get, because his name has been exposed to the gang he put away. Here's hoping to some sloppy policing and news of some retribution to restore some order to this disgusting affair...:whistles: I didn't know that Terry that is so sick they actually allowed this monster to commit further crimes :mad: I hope investigations will take place in to this? Cheers

13-08-17, 00:54
I didn't know that Terry that is so sick they actually allowed this monster to commit further crimes :mad: I hope investigations will take place in to this? Cheers

He says they actively encouraged him to do so and gave him the impression he was untouchable. Should we believe him? Given the attitude of the senoiir officers defending their decisions...:whistles:

The NSPCC condemned their actions.

I wonder how their argument would stack up if their daughters were involved when their friends daughters may have been saved the abuse?

13-08-17, 14:30
He says they actively encouraged him to do so and gave him the impression he was untouchable. Should we believe him? Given the attitude of the senoiir officers defending their decisions...:whistles:

The NSPCC condemned their actions.

I wonder how their argument would stack up if their daughters were involved when their friends daughters may have been saved the abuse? Terry it just gets worse seems very corrupt way of going about it in my book.Tbh I don't know what to believe in cases like this or similar cases it's known fact top senior police and mp's and even court judges have been involved. And that's a good point don't think that argument would be greeted very well. I hope the NSPCC will take this further and demand answers. but reckon the police will get round it and come up smelling of roses :eek: Cheers

15-08-17, 14:43
Im not sure how I feel about this.
The amount of money isnt the issue, is it.
Its whether its immoral to pay a convicted felon because they have the right profile to infiltrate a gang.
Was he rehabilitated?
Did he commit crimes to infiltrate or just go along with crimes being planned?
At what point where the plugs pulled and they thought 17 convictions was worth the investment/ information they had?

It feels sleazy but I would like to know what options the Police have regards these sort of crimes and the conviction rates when not using infiltration because boy do we want these people stopped!

15-08-17, 16:43
Do we think a child rapist would refuse the gang offering him children? Isn't the point that they were so hard to infiltrate that they turned to an untrained ex con who didn't have the moral considerations of an undercover detective? If not, why would they even need him when they've got men & women that infiltrate gangs, organised crime, etc.

The guy bragged that they told him he was untouchable. Do we think he just did a bit of speeding now & again?

The money isn't the issue for me, it's about going too far to achieve a result. The police say it got a result. Doesn't that sound very "eighties"?

24-08-17, 15:08
Yes, you definitely cant always say the results justify the means can you?

24-08-17, 17:04
Exactly, it takes us back to the bad old days of fit ups if they go just a step further. Where coppers become the law rather than servants of it.