View Full Version : I don't know what to do

12-08-17, 22:04
I was sitting on my bed kind of slouched.
When I felt like if a needle went through the center of my spine to my right rib. Would you say it was a pinched nerve from the way I was slouching or something I should get looked at?

I felt numb right after it happened and my vision had issues focusing. Panic response or related to what I felt? I was seeing the news about the protests going on in Charlottesville. Maybe I got tense and my body reacted like that?? The pain was really bad it made me jump. :(

Afterwards I felt/heard some grumbling right where my rib hurt.
What would you do? Like what's the normal thing to do in situations like this?? A

12-08-17, 22:15
I don't know what the "normal" thing to do would be, but I can tell you what I would have done. I'd have gone "ow!", and then I probably would have just gone and got some chocolate and just carried on with my life.

Hypomean, you need to get some help with this because it's clearly ruining your life right now.

12-08-17, 22:19
My back hurts a little it has the cramp like pain along my whole spine and hips. Yesterday we went to the beach I was carrying the heavy stuff in a large tote. And for a long distance. Upon completely taking out all the air in my lungs I get those sharp needle stab pains along the spine.

12-08-17, 22:47
Is there any way you can get some help with your spiralling anxiety disorder? I know you said you have no insurance, but does that mean there's nothing you can do?

13-08-17, 05:01
I don't know what the "normal" thing to do would be, but I can tell you what I would have done. I'd have gone "ow!", and then I probably would have just gone and got some chocolate and just carried on with my life.

Hypomean, you need to get some help with this because it's clearly ruining your life right now.

Gotta tell ya... I could have written that on myself verbatim! :yesyes: Spot on... Hypo, I want you to look at your post carefully as it points out what is normal thinking followed by irrationality caused by your anxiety.

You started with: I was sitting on my bed kind of slouched.
When I felt like if a needle went through the center of my spine to my right rib. Would you say it was a pinched nerve from the way I was slouching or something I should get looked at?

I felt numb right after it happened and my vision had issues focusing. Panic response or related to what I felt? I was seeing the news about the protests going on in Charlottesville. Maybe I got tense and my body reacted like that?? The pain was really bad it made me jump. :(

You know full well your posture is the cause of the pain you feel/felt. You also know that your body's response both mentally and physically was a rush of adrenaline and a panic attack response.

Then you say: Afterwards I felt/heard some grumbling right where my rib hurt. What would you do? Like what's the normal thing to do in situations like this??

Plain and simple reassurance seeking behavior. Hallmark HA symptom. What has to happen, and Server is spot on in saying that you need to seek therapy so that the first part of your post is all the reassurance you need ;) It can be done. I've watched Server and many others work on their anxiety and tame the dragon. Ultimately, it comes down to you to make the efforts.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

13-08-17, 13:28
I don't know what the "normal" thing to do would be, but I can tell you what I would have done. I'd have gone "ow!", and then I probably would have just gone and got some chocolate and just carried on with my life.

Hypomean, you need to get some help with this because it's clearly ruining your life right now.

This is what I need to learn. What's a normal thing to do. Even when I had all the help I can get. Doctors, cardiologist, physical therapy, psychologist and psychiatrist. I could not accept the little aches and pains the psychologist got frustrated at the end of my time with her because it was a mental block.
Since I have no insurance currently (we don't qualify for assistance either) it's a big mess. I've been looking what's offered in my area but the only thing is in treatment. I can't do that. I feel that going there will only make me go nuts. My psychologist warned only to ever go once it's extremely bad, why? Because she said they place you with the really insane and people like me who have a weak mind don't do well in those situations.
Something simple right? Know what to ignore. Right now at the sternum/diaphragm area I feel a ball move with each breath. WTD?? Is it normal? No. But. What. Do. I. Do??? What's the normal thing to do? Ignore, give it a few days? What? Completely new symptom from my back pain. From my heart worries and so on. Yes all different. Different areas of the body and yet I still think it's all connected. Why?! I don't know. You know how they have the lists of physical symptoms for anxiety and depression? I hit 95% of it. But you also ready those stories of people who get brushed off as them having anxiety and acid reflux. Turns out they had advanced cancer... I was brushed off... on two occasions... both while pregnant. And if I hadn't stuck to my gut feeling I wouldn't b here. One of my kids wouldn't be here. Could I be constantly thinking that what if I'm being brushed off and it could be worse? Yes. I know it's unhealthy to be in this set of mind. But I've done the "correct" way, it helped for a few months until I had to stop. I feel like I'll just be in a loop.

---------- Post added at 12:28 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

Gotta tell ya... I could have written that on myself verbatim! :yesyes: Spot on... Hypo, I want you to look at your post carefully as it points out what is normal thinking followed by irrationality caused by your anxiety.

You started with: I was sitting on my bed kind of slouched.
When I felt like if a needle went through the center of my spine to my right rib. Would you say it was a pinched nerve from the way I was slouching or something I should get looked at?

I felt numb right after it happened and my vision had issues focusing. Panic response or related to what I felt? I was seeing the news about the protests going on in Charlottesville. Maybe I got tense and my body reacted like that?? The pain was really bad it made me jump. :(

You know full well your posture is the cause of the pain you feel/felt. You also know that your body's response both mentally and physically was a rush of adrenaline and a panic attack response.

Then you say: Afterwards I felt/heard some grumbling right where my rib hurt. What would you do? Like what's the normal thing to do in situations like this??

Plain and simple reassurance seeking behavior. Hallmark HA symptom. What has to happen, and Server is spot on in saying that you need to seek therapy so that the first part of your post is all the reassurance you need ;) It can be done. I've watched Server and many others work on their anxiety and tame the dragon. Ultimately, it comes down to you to make the efforts.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

Failure to accept the truth and jump to the irrational crap. Is my own stupidity.
And the reassurance to help feed this thing, is my vice, I try soooooo hard not to post. But I do.
I want to be apart of the people who overcome this.

13-08-17, 17:50
Hypomean - another point I'd like to make, which will be hard to take on board, but which I hope you'll think about.

When you call yourself stupid, or describe your thinking patterns as "my own stupidity", you're doing yourself a disservice. It's really important to forgive yourself as best you can when you do these things, because you have a psychological disorder at the end of the day. If you had a stomach infection of some kind that made you vomit, you wouldn't say "it's my own stupidity that I can't keep it down". Or maybe you would, but you shouldn't! Anxiety is hard enough without giving ourselves a hard time or a dressing down for the things it makes us do or think.

Personally, I found concepts such as mindfulness and acceptance (as espoused by Claire Weekes and Paul David) very helpful in dealing with my thoughts. I gradually learned to stop fighting with them and to just let them be there, no matter how irrational they were. It was not an easy process, but it has been very useful for me.

In any case, the thing you really need is help, regardless of how much you've had before or whether it's worked or not. You can't beat this by being cruel to yourself or by just by wishing it all away.

13-08-17, 19:39
Hypomean - another point I'd like to make, which will be hard to take on board, but which I hope you'll think about.

When you call yourself stupid, or describe your thinking patterns as "my own stupidity", you're doing yourself a disservice. It's really important to forgive yourself as best you can when you do these things, because you have a psychological disorder at the end of the day. If you had a stomach infection of some kind that made you vomit, you wouldn't say "it's my own stupidity that I can't keep it down". Or maybe you would, but you shouldn't! Anxiety is hard enough without giving ourselves a hard time or a dressing down for the things it makes us do or think.

Personally, I found concepts such as mindfulness and acceptance (as espoused by Claire Weekes and Paul David) very helpful in dealing with my thoughts. I gradually learned to stop fighting with them and to just let them be there, no matter how irrational they were. It was not an easy process, but it has been very useful for me.

In any case, the thing you really need is help, regardless of how much you've had before or whether it's worked or not. You can't beat this by being cruel to yourself or by just by wishing it all away.

When you are constantly reminded by the way people look at you when you are telling them an issue and they have this look like "are you for real?" I can't help but feel stupid. And it stays with me. I've read about it in my depression workbooks, that I shouldn't put my self down.
With what I have right now for help I'll be putting more effort into, and try not to put myself down about it.
Thank you Server and Fishmanpa for taking the time