View Full Version : Seriously depressed about my heart

13-08-17, 04:03
I was referred to a cardiologist because I had a suspected episode of svt, did all the usual tests and everything came back normal. No limitations or restrictions. I told myself that after I everything came back ok I would get back in the gym. Well I did for one day then completely freaked out so I haven't since. I'm feeling super depressed. This has literally become an obsession. I am terrified to work out. I still experience heart palpitations and it's completely difficult to wrap my head around the fact that they are benign. I am really struggling here. It's make me sad when I see people on social media in the gym because I wish that was me. If i can be honest I'm not happy with the way I'm living my life. I'm even starting to feel bad for myself. I feel like I have developed some mild agoraphobia. I want to believe the doctor when he tells me I'm ok. But I feel like I have to be my biggest advocate. Like I have to be 110% sure that I am completely healthy. This is ruining my life. Somebody please help me.

13-08-17, 04:48
Im so sorry you're dealing with this. I have had the exact same fears, and still do. I think the best way to get over it is to do a tiny bit at a time.
Is it the fear of being around people?

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13-08-17, 07:36
We can't help you. You have to take steps to help yourself. See a therapist for your anxiety and we can't do this for you.

I have told you time and time over as someone with SVT and with PACs that if your dr has said it's normal it is! Trust the cardiologist :)

13-08-17, 13:32
You need to see a therapist about your anxiety because you can never be "110% sure that I am completely healthy". No one can. Have to learn ways to live with uncertainty and can only do that by getting help for anxiety.

13-08-17, 15:38
I understand what you guys are saying. But I didnt feel any skipped beats while wearing the holter. That's kind of haunting me a little bit. I feel like I sound like a broken record but unfortunately sometimes doctors are wrong. And that is what has me in such a bind :(

anx mum
13-08-17, 16:05
Hi hun I have the same worry at moment but with me ive been getting chest pain. I suppose we worry more because its our hearts. Ive had ecgs chest xray heart bloods and I'm having a ct angiogram next week. I know drs can be wrong but u will never get a 110 per cent only a 99.9.