View Full Version : White line appeared then vanished

13-08-17, 09:19
I was sitting next to my fiance' and we were watching a movie while I was trying to overcome an arm ache that had been growing for about an hour when the pain got suddenly worse. I looked down to see if I was maybe positioned on it oddly and I saw a white line starting in the crook of my elbow go down to the wrist- obviously I asked if she could see it too, and she did. I've been madly googling for an hour or so now to no avail and was hoping someone here could enlighten me to what it might have been. Doc's not about till Monday and I don't think I need an ER... The strangest thing is the arm ache left when the white line showed up, and then the line itself faded in about two to three minutes. Could this have been due to stress? Any help is greatly appreciated!

26-08-17, 23:54
No one has ever had this?