View Full Version : Driving fear

13-08-17, 15:12
I have been driving for 29 years & have a constant fear of driving somewhere new to the extent that it makes me feel sick and builds my anxiety levels up to 10. I am travelling to west midlands safari park from Nottingham tomorrow which is a distance of 85 miles on the M1, M42 and M5, busy roads and already I'm panicking about getting lost, breaking down, having an accident etc etc etc I really can't explain this and feel so damn stupid and disgusted with myself, it's always happened and when I reach my destination I wonder what all the fuss is about. I drive for a leaving within the 20 mile borough where i live and have no problems with that but when I go out of my comfort zone i feel awful again, I've got to go tomorrow as i can't let the family down but I know I will be probably dreaming about it tonight & wake to this horrible anxious feeling in the morning, could do with help & advice on this please & how to overcome these fears, realise there is probably no quick fix but need help from somewhere, is there someone on here going through the same emotions & if so how do you cope with it ? Many thanks....... Andy.

13-08-17, 19:13
I've only been driving a year and the first 6 months was basically me crying at the wheel on the motorway, on roundabouts at service stations... everywhere! I hated driving especially in the city.
plan the route on the map, take satnav, plan your stops. I still get that gut wrenching feeling on a new drive so I tend to just set off early and take my time. You will be fine, think of your car as your safe bubble.

13-08-17, 19:29
Thanks Kate all posts like yours are extremely reassuring & definitely makes me feel better but I really feel ridiculously stupid because of this phobia, I am sitting here feeling really anxious & my stomach is churning if I'm honest, I've just been over my route over and over again and it's looks a daunting journey but I just have to pull myself together and face my fears for a couple of hours and pull through it, I'm glad it's not just me Kate.
It's not an option to let the grandkids down I would feel absolutely awful so it's got to be done, thank you once again & please keep in touch as I will let you know how i have got on.

13-08-17, 20:15
I'm glad I can offer some reassurance. Never feel stupid, it's not stupid to feel like that, it's an inconvenience but it won't last forever. Have you ever thought of asking for beta blockers? I've never tried them but my friend took them for her driving test and she said they calmed her down a lot.

13-08-17, 20:18
I hate driving and am a very nervous driver.
I have to do a 70 mile drive in a couple of weeks and just dreading it.
I don't drive on the motorway because i just don't have the confidence, so you are already a huge step ahead of someone like me!
What i would say is this
Break your journey down into sections, this will make it much easier to take in.
Think about stopping for a short break after say 25 miles, then another 25 miles. There's a website called 'what's half way' which will tell you what stop off points are halfway from your house to your destination.
Remember it is not a race. Go at your own comfortable speed and even on the motorway stay in the left lane if you need to (this is what my mum does)
When you get there, you will wonder what all the fuss was about! :)
Plus, the journey home will feel much easier for sure. Give yourself a big pat on the back too when you get there, which you will, in one piece and safely!