View Full Version : Need Reassurance

13-08-17, 18:34
Hi its been a while since I have posted on here, I have anxiety back due to having had a bad cough, and letting it get on top of me, its there when I go to sleep and there when I wake up, now I am left with the anxiety feeling, I had the feeling for the last 4 days,, it just doesn't seem to ease off, its like the constant feeling of like your going to go into a full blown panic attack, which hasn't happened yet, also cant seem to get my mind of the feeling, my mind is racing all the time, there is just no let up which is just making it a vicious circle, I try to read, go walks etc, but just cant stop thinking about it, I have had anxiety before, but this time it feels like I am worried about the anxiety rather than something else that may be wrong with me, I feel like I am going mad, or end up in hospital, I just cant seem to get out of it, its driving me crazy, does anyone else feel or have felt like this?

P.S my doctor has put me on fluxotine 20mg, I have only just started taking them, this is my second day, so only had two pils, I have heard this can make the panic and anxiety worse before it gets better, but surly not after 2 pils? I was just wondering.

I wish I could get my mind back

Any replies would be very much appreciated.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:14 ----------

Really struggling, do you think I can go on with the panic feeling for a while yet

24-08-17, 19:17
I don't think the fluoxetine would have made your anxiety worse after 2 days but I see you posted over a week ago now. How are things now? Has it settled down at all? It's still early days though to be honest. I have been on my medication for a long to
E but I am currently experiencing the same anxiety attacks as you on a daily basis. It can last for what seems like all day and is always in the background. I keep trying to tell myself that it will go eventually and that I'm fine. It's hard to believe though when it keeps happening! I hope things are getting better for you.��

27-08-17, 13:33
Thanks for the reply cakesmum
My doctor decided to change me over to sertraline 50mg as I was having intrusive thoughts with flux, she also said this was better suited for anxiety?
I have been on sertraline for just under 2 weeks, and not seeing much difference in the way I am feeling, still in a state of panic every day, at night it seem to calm down, but the mornings are hell, I try to distract myself from it which I am really struggling with, it seem to be constantly in my mind and thinking about it, I try to do stuff to take my mind of it but find it so hard to concentrate, I so hope this sertraline will eventually give me some sort of rest bite, I dont want to give up on it, but each day seems to be a struggle, I am actually panicking over thinking about it so much that it will never leave my head, makes you feel like you are going crazy.
I hope you are feeling a bit better.

I Don't Get it!
27-08-17, 17:28
Yes, it does make you feel like your mind is going, doesn't it? Before I plucked up the courage to visit my GP, I really thought I was going mental. I think it's quite common for Anxiety sufferers.

I really feel for you, you know that the fear of your Anxiety is making it worse but just having that knowledge doesn't make it stop.

Hang in there and try to relax as best you can. Yes, I know it's easy for me say....not so easy to do. I used to use free guided meditation mp3's and a couple of hypnotherapy ones. Also self help books like Claire Weekes's "Self Help for Your Nerves", which helped me to accept the horrible feelings and just let them pass over without fighting them.

I think I'm in recovery now, but I was quite low and anxious this morning when I woke up and was feeling a bit sorry for myself, but then I remembered that just a few months ago I would wake up every single morning feeling much worse than this. I'd cry and feel so anxious, low and agitated that I didn't know what to do with myself.

Keep telling yourself you will get better and this Anxiety is temporary and will pass. I wish you all the best.:flowers:

27-08-17, 22:39
Thanks for the reply I don't get it, its nice that people care

28-08-17, 12:27
Not sure why I put "I don't get it" in that reply, I'll blame it on the anxiety lol

welshgirl in crewe
28-08-17, 14:53
Hi all, anxiety can be a pain in the backside I not suffered in ages but all of a sudden it's shown its ugly head, Brian I find it helps talking to other ppl apart from my nearest and dearest hence why I joined this site. Today is a good day I had a long walk with the dog and chatted to ppl in different parts of the world I find it easier at times to pour my heart out via my keyboard than face to face, I hope you all feeling better today, anybody can inbox me for a chat about anything I might not be good with my own anxiety but I been told I good with dealing with others. Keep strong, keep positive...... cath xx

28-08-17, 16:27
Thanks welshgirl, I sent you a pm, but dont think its working for some reason.