View Full Version : Has anyone had a ct angiogram of heart

anx mum
13-08-17, 22:12
My specialist has ordered me to have a ct angiogram as ive been getting horrid chest pains is this to look for any blockages. Even tho my echo come bk ok I'm worried about this test as I'm overweight ex smoker

13-08-17, 22:25
Chest pains can be caused for a number of reasons. It's a good sign your specialist has ordered a angiogram but remember this doesn't mean that you have a blockage. They like to rule things out so they put you through tests just to tick the boxes so they can discover what's wrong. They start from the most serious of causes and work their way down.

Relax :) Worrying will do you no good. I know how hard tests and waiting for results is. I had Cancer and the waiting game for blood results is an absolute nightmare. I ended up skipping the entire last year of my checkups (it was my final year anyway). Stupid move, but I'm all good.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you're ok <3

13-08-17, 22:51
Have they explained all the risks of the procedure Bev?

You really don't want to be having this unless it is essential.

Is this still the private doctor recommending it?

What about your own GP - what do they think?

anx mum
13-08-17, 22:51
Ive always been a worrier but in a way I'm glad hes checking it out

13-08-17, 23:37
You say "ordered" but no one can force you to undergo this procedure without you consenting. Make sure you know all risks involved first.

13-08-17, 23:48
The risk of complications from an angiogram are rare. 1 in 1,000 ... and even then it's only those with serious heart problems at risk. There is the radiation issue, but the chances of the radiation causing Cancer are extremely rare.


Trust me, don't even begin to worry about "risks". They have to outline the "risks", the same as they have to outline the risks of taking a harmless medication.

13-08-17, 23:59
I had one last week as prep work for my aortic aneurysm surgery. They are a cakewalk. Risks are very low, and you will get definitive answers. That said, it is not something you want to do unless you truly need it.

14-08-17, 06:03
I've had one done. It was done in the ER. I was having unexplainable tachycardia we are talking 180+ heart rate with no activity. They did it, i asked about this risks and they said not much, it feels like you pee yourself when they inject the dye, they might warn you about that. And slight dizziness but other then that it's nothing scary. Hope all goes well.

14-08-17, 06:33
Chest pains can be caused for a number of reasons. It's a good sign your specialist has ordered a angiogram but remember this doesn't mean that you have a blockage. They like to rule things out so they put you through tests just to tick the boxes so they can discover what's wrong. They start from the most serious of causes and work their way down.

Relax :) Worrying will do you no good. I know how hard tests and waiting for results is. I had Cancer and the waiting game for blood results is an absolute nightmare. I ended up skipping the entire last year of my checkups (it was my final year anyway). Stupid move, but I'm all good.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you're ok <3

I've had one and had a stent inserted.
Nothing to worry about :yesyes:

14-08-17, 10:33
I've had one done. It was done in the ER. I was having unexplainable tachycardia we are talking 180+ heart rate with no activity. They did it, i asked about this risks and they said not much, it feels like you pee yourself when they inject the dye, they might warn you about that. And slight dizziness but other then that it's nothing scary. Hope all goes well.

Ha! That's the same injection they give you for normal CT scans. I've had about 10 of these in my life and I never get used to that feeling of wetting yourself. I find it quite enjoyable lol.

anx mum
14-08-17, 14:22
thinking back I think ive had one of these but it was a brain scan. Wasent bad at all remember having a hot flush and a feeling I wet myself I am generally concerned on the results. As ive put on so much weight I eat bad. I'm a ex smoker don't exercise as much as I should. Need to change make some life decisions

14-08-17, 14:45
Once you are in the clear. Plan on getting active. Get healthy for your own good. Exercise, once you get into it you get the rush from seeing the results. And your heart will thank you.

14-08-17, 16:07
I have had an angiogram. many years ago, for blocked arteries to my heart They did it through the top of one of my legs. I felt no pain. I was talking to someone the other day and they were going to have the same thing from her hand.
Medical treatments change from year to year. For example--------------
When my husband had his hip replaced he was awake all the way through the operation!!!

14-08-17, 18:49
its pretty standard for them to run tests like this, its more of a better safe than sorry kind of situation. my father had a ton of heart tests done just for some minor shortness of breath.

anx mum
14-08-17, 21:45
Thanks everyone all this chest pain has scared me I really need to think about my health now. I'm obese I'm so ashamed of myself I hate myself. The test I had I think god I cant remember thought the needle was in arm but it may of been in groin? Can they tell instantly if theres any blockages? I am truly scared if its all normal I need to get healthy

14-08-17, 22:08
Thanks everyone all this chest pain has scared me I really need to think about my health now. I'm obese I'm so ashamed of myself I hate myself. The test I had I think god I cant remember thought the needle was in arm but it may of been in groin? Can they tell instantly if theres any blockages? I am truly scared if its all normal I need to get healthy

From what I understand, it can be groin or arm, depending on patient. It is an invasive procedure which is why I asked whether you had been informed of risks, especially as you're going private. I don't think NHS would recommend having it if echo doesn't flag up any problems and you're below age of 40. You don't seem to display typical symptoms of angina either, but any chest pain is always taken seriously. It's your choice of course.

anx mum
14-08-17, 22:47
The specialist said he wants to rule out if there are any bloakages in my arteries he said my echo was normal the angiogram is on nhs and on thurs I'm praying everything will be ok thank u for replying

14-08-17, 22:53
You've had more heart tests done in the last few months than I've had in the last few years and I have heart disease! Everything has been normal. So "when" you get the all clear, what will you do to treat your anxiety? Also, getting active so you don't have anything come up in the future would be prudent.

Positive thoughts

anx mum
14-08-17, 23:05
Its been a worrying time. If the test comes bk clear than I need to work on me the way forward I think is councilling health changes. I'm not looking for sympathy

14-08-17, 23:20
Its been a worrying time. If the test comes bk clear than I need to work on me the way forward I think is councilling health changes. I'm not looking for sympathy

I think it will come back clear and really do hope you can be free of this HA demon that's blighted your life for so long.

Wish you all the best whatever you decide.

15-08-17, 19:09
Hope you go on alright on Thursday anx mum :hugs:

anx mum
15-08-17, 21:49
Thank u everyone feeling abit nervous but will b relived when its done and I get results. If everything is ok I gotta try and get help for my anxiety been suffering since 17 on and off I'm now 38 theres been a lot in my past maybe I need to open up. All I know is that anxiety is hell it breaks u if u don't fight it. This group is brilliant as other people understand but in my case my family don't its my kids that keep me going.

10-09-17, 18:31
I'm having one done on Thursday as well & I'm nervous about a reaction to the dye. I didn't know there were risks involved with this test apart from some radiation ? !!!!