View Full Version : Pain in neck/lymph node or tissue...

13-08-17, 23:04
Going to bed last night I noticed a pain in my right jaw/throat. I felt around, turned my head, etc. and noticed a sharp pain coming from the area where you would check your pulse, just to the right of my throat. I only notice the pain when I touch it or move my head in certain positions (extreme left/right and touch chin to chest). Its been almost 20 hrs now with no change other than it felt better after a warm shower. Also, about an hour before I noticed this pain I actually hit my jaw on something but didn't really pay attention to it. I wonder if this is the cause or if this is a sore lymph node? Needless to say I am freaking out. I hate lymph nodes. I do have a lymph node/tissue on the exact other side and they are the same size, this one just hurts. I have no infection that I am aware of which is why this is even more scary. My thoughts are that this is a tissue injury from hitting my jaw and it will go away in a few days...but it could be a lymph node too and that would be concerning.