View Full Version : To go back to medication

02-06-07, 11:52
About 18 months ago - I had the worst spell of anxiety that I had, had for quite a while.
During this time I actually found a good GP, who prescribed Cypralex (spelling) and put me in touch with anxiety management councillor.
I also bought the No more panic CD set, which I found useful.
The councillor was OK, but some of her advice was a bit bonkers to me (ie like getting married!!!).
Anyway during the 12-14 months on the medication, things became very good, the anxiety went, I felt stronger in myself and my outlook became more positive and I was handling any stress with ease, almost laughing it off.
I was seeing my GP every month and earlier this year, she suggested coming off the medication, she advised about long term useage, I was taking 10mg a day, so not a high doesage.
I resisted at first, but we cut the doesage in half and then every other day until I came off the medication in March.
My GP did say that if things became difficult to go back and see her.
Anyway I feel things have now gone backwards, I am experiencing low-levels of anxiety, irratability, sleeplesness etc, negative thoughts creeping back in etc.
I am tempted to go back to my GP and resume the medication, but I am not sure what to do.

Any advice - please.


02-06-07, 11:57
Hi Mike

Dont feel bad about going back to see your GP about medication. I have been taking medication now on and off for 10 years . I have come to the conclusion if meds give me a better quality of life then so be it.


02-06-07, 13:01
Hi Mick

Please do go back and see your GP. She sounds good. Going back doesnt mean you will definitely go back to meds, but if you do its not the end of the world. Head stuff like anxiety, panic, depression etc is complicated. Sometimes you do need to stay on longer. Or she may be able to advise you or more self-help you can do.

My doc says that sometimes with these sorts of medication you need to stay on them for a while even when you feel better, though that advice was for depression, the meds are similar. It might just be a case of learning to manage the anxiety feelings you do have because you are not used to them without meds. If you do need meds, don't worry. I've been on and off anti-depressants for years. Learning not to give myself a hard time for needing them was not easy, but its an illness like any other. If you had a broken leg, or were diabetic you wouldn't beat yourself up so much would you? :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon.

02-06-07, 13:21
Hi Guys

Thanks for the quick replies -
Not feeling to good to do - spent the last couple of hours feeling anxious, things have calmed down.
Probably because I'm doing my business month end accounts!!!!!


02-06-07, 19:41
Mick-don't feel bad about long term use of medication. I've been on anti-depressants (seroxat then cymbalta) since October 1999 continuously and have had no problems. It sounds as if you were on a low dose (it's cipralex btw!) and that it proved effective. It's good you have such a supportive doc. As Lisa says, depression is an illness like any other. Diabetics have to take insulin because their bodies can't produce the sufficient amount and some people have to take SSRIs to boost serotonin levels and keep depression at bay. As it's only been 2 months since you came off the meds, would you be interested in trying a natural remedy for depression like St John's Wort? It's totally up to you but NMP people will be here to support and advise you.

06-06-07, 16:38
I back up everything said here. Depression is an illness and yes if you had something like diabetes would you keep saying to yourself 'oh I have got to come off this insulin' probably not.
I have been on and off meds since 2001. I keep feeling I 'should not' be on them, for whatever reason that is, but when I come off them I feel awful, get depressed, have terrible panic attacks, health anxiety etc... so I go back on them, have to wait weeks till they kick in etc... so now I am on Efexor.
Feel 'weak' and silly for having to be on them, but feel I am stuck with them now.
But please dont feel bad about going back to the doc or taking meds.

06-06-07, 17:46
how are you doing on effexor as that may be my next adventure

love joy

14-06-07, 18:24
Thanks for the messages of support.

Went to see my GP, who thought I was still on a low dose.
Now been back on Cypralex for the last couple of days, feeling all dried mouthed and a bit gip.
As they say no pain no gain, so will after go through the couple of weeks of side effects again - wish I'd stopped on them in the first place on the lower dose.
We shall see.

Once again thanks all.

14-06-07, 18:27
Hi Mickey

Good on you hun for going to see the GP i hope you start to feel the benefits soon.:hugs:
