View Full Version : Has anyone noticed a strong decrease in palpitations

14-08-17, 04:16
I just want to know if there is anyone who has experienced palpitations in the past that doesn't experience the often anymore. I really hope this isn't something I will have to deal with forever. I'm 25. I heard breathing techniques help

14-08-17, 05:56
I go through periods were I get them frequently and then they settle down.

14-08-17, 16:12
Hello :)
I used to have palpitations all the time when my Health Anxiety was really bad, 5-6 years ago. I was convinced I'd have to live with them forever but as my anxiety decreased, so did the palpitations. Not sure what your scenario/history is, but in my case, I was overly hyper-vigilant to my symptoms and was anxious about every little thing my heart did. So naturally I noticed the palpitations a LOT more!

Either way, they're gone now.

Hope you feel better soon!

14-08-17, 16:48
I had them last year. I occasionally still get them if I have moments of high adrenaline, but they don't scare me, so it's fine. And 99% of the time, I don't get them at all.

15-08-17, 01:30
Mine are pretty much gone now. I used to have them really bad a few years ago and they just kind of went away. I think either I truly quit fearing them so that lessened the anxiety and they went away or they were related to my hypothyroid and the medicine fixed that. Don't worry, they are harmless.


15-08-17, 10:23
I had to them for many months. Every single day and night. I thought about them most of the time. The only time I didn't have them was when I was at work. I'm a teacher and having a classroom full of kids leaves no time to think about anything unrelated to them. One day they just stopped. I have had them return several times but never for longer than a couple of hours. I know the reason why and that is because I don't let them consume my thoughts. I just assign them no importance at all. Eventually they will stop for you too.

15-08-17, 17:58
27, here. Had them since I was 14/15 maybe. Mine come and go, I've learned to kind of accept them now. Some feel really scary still, but I try to just welcome them and let them pass. Someone once told me, "don't think of it as a skipped beat or palp, think of it as an extra beat because your heart's got your back". There are many ways you can make them seem less scary. I find that I get mine during really stressful times, around my period/on my period, and sometimes if I have TOO much sugar.