View Full Version : Scared or everything!!!!

02-06-07, 11:53
Me again

Going through horrible anxiety bout right now. Just wanted to ask if anyone ever feels frightened of the most silly things. It's like a sensation that goes through me where I feel scared but I don't know what of. The other day I was putting some things away and the feeling washed over me and then I felt scared of the stuff I was putting away! Weird! I can be feeling ok then this horrible frightened feeling washes over me and makes me doubly scared. I then start thinking "what if I start getting scared of everthing and can't function at all"?

Can anyone relate to this?

Thanks x

02-06-07, 12:54
Hi there flatterycat

Sorry to hear you're feeling bad right now. I know what you mean about that feeling. I'm doing OK at the moment, but sometimes you get the fluttery feeling which reminds me of the top of a rollercoaster when your tummy goes funny. And it doesnt mean that the thing I'm doing is scary either. I can be just wandering around the house.

When I was feeling worse last summer I always thought it meant that something bad was coming (anxiety/panic). But now I have realise that it doesnt need to lead to anything. Sometimes its just one of those things. Its not stuff you're doing either, its often subconscious stuff in your head. You know how you plan the shopping while you cook dinner or whatever - all that multi-tasking. Your brain does it all the time. You won't get scared of everything. Though I totally understand what you mean because I felt like that last year. You will grow stronger.

Its not easy but try to look at things positively. Yes, you felt scared for a moment, but you know yourself it doesnt necessarily develop into a full panic. Every time it doesnt, congratulate yourself and count it as a point to you. Things do slowly become easier. Honestly. :hugs:

03-06-07, 03:46
I can totally relate. On the day of my worst panic attack, the ENTIRE day I was scared of everything under the sun. I could barely scrounge up the courage to go to the bathroom and back from my room (which could be a problem if I did get stuck, for obvious reasons! :D) I was terrified that I'd be...well, terrified like this forever.

A few weeks before I had a bad bout and was scared of everything and nothing at the same time. I was just sitting down at the table, absolutely terrified, without knowing why. For about an hour I was just consumed with fear like I got fear gassed by that Scarecrow guy from Batman.

I look at it this way: most people who don't have this kind of thing don't get a chance to face their fears like this constantly, so I say that we have excellent practice at being brave, which is going ahead in the face of fear anyway. Brave people are scared too, they just don't let it keep them back from doing what they have to. (I think I heard this in a movie or show somewhere.) The feeling of fear that we got at the simple, random thing is the same exact feeling as said regular person gets when they go bungee jumping (extreme example, but you know what I mean. XD) Perhaps in the end we'll actually have better practice and experience at being brave, at least that's what I like to think! :D

I always said that I wanted to live an adventurous life. So maybe those bad PA days weren't that adventurous to anyone else, feeling terror just walking from the table to the car, but they certainly felt like a grand, heart-pumping adventure to me! Just trying to put a positive spin on these things makes me feel better, too. :D