View Full Version : Any athletes/sporty people taking fluoxetine?

14-08-17, 11:46
Does anyone have any experience of taking fluoxetine while training to maintan a fairly strenuous training programme?

I began taking it 5 days ago for anxiety - more specifically, because I had insomnia due to the anxiety which was badly affecting my training. 5 days in and I appear to have hit the insomnia stage that I've heard so much about (it feels quite different to my anxiety-induced insomnia so I'm pretty sure it's the fluoxetine this time). As a result I feel very weak and tired and I know I won't be able to train tonight.

Does anyone have any words of encouragement?! I could really do with some! I am hoping that when the side effects calm down I'll be able to sleep and then regain my energy and strength... but for the moment I'm feeling quite depressed as I love to train and I can barely do any at the moment.

Bike Rider
23-08-17, 11:16
Are you overtraining Lizzie as that will cause insomnia and intense exercise can trigger depression and anxiety.

If not then just go to the gym or whatever and do easy routines until its sorted, your fitness will remain and you are still doing something.