View Full Version : Severe current anxiety over the world (could be trigger if this stresses you like me)

14-08-17, 14:53
I know this isn't related to health anxiety, but I am posting here because HA has always been my biggest issue.

Since last Tuesday, when everything happened with North Korea, I have been in a constant state of anxiety or depression. It is almost all I think about. It is distracting my time at work, my time with my family, my time along. When I read about, I panic. When something new and bad happens, I almost breakdown.

I see a lot of the same patterns with my health anxiety.
#1 - the fear is based on something that has a real base (with HA it could be a mole or lymph node. In this case it is Trump and North Korea.
#2 - To alleviate my anxiety, I am seeking out information (i.e. checking), and it sometimes work but can make it much worse.
#3 - conversely, I am then afraid of the news or my social media and am avoiding it.
#4 - I am coming up with stories and images in my head of worst case scenario's. These may lead to #2 or 3.
# 5 - I feel I am losing control of myself and this makes me hopeless/

I have a wife and 3 amazing children. It is scary as hell to have such important things happening in the world, that could impact me and I have no control over it. What gets me is that I know every single person is impacted just as much as me. Yes I see people enjoying their lives, smiling, living. Why can't I? I feel like as long as this is going on with North Korea that there is no point.

14-08-17, 15:43
I do understand this. It's a scary time in history. Not that it's not always scary but the erratic behaviors and statements coming out of DC has me on more on edge than any other time I can remember... And after the events in Charlottesville this weekend and the lack of response from the POTUS, I'm more enraged than anything else. I'm more concerned with what Trump will do as opposed to NK.

I'm less than 70 miles from DC so if a nuke were to happen, I'm toast, so I really don't worry about it as I wouldn't have time to even say a prayer but where I live, I hear the alt right hate against my wife (she's from Ecuador) and that, more than anything, angers me to no end!

All you or I or anyone can do is stand up to what you believe is right. If there's a rally in DC that I can attend in support of my beliefs, I'll be there...

Positive thoughts

14-08-17, 15:58
I know the feeling, it used to be my biggest anxiety trigger_ couldn't eat, sleep or focus. My mind is fixated on other things these days but world affairs still trouble me. I hate listening to Trump, he behaves like an arrogant, uneducated child on the world stage. However I am sure this current crisis will pass as they have in the past. It is scary with all the bellicose statements but I think they are largely political posturing. I found if it gets too much I switch off, I do not watch any news & if I must I try to pick a trustworthy channel. I know it's hard when these things go on & you feel so helpless but try to focus elsewhere, stay in the moment. Spend time with your beautiful family & do things that you all enjoy. Find things that help you stay in the here & now if that makes sense. I found this, hope it helps a little
Everything will be alright xx

14-08-17, 16:48
It always amazes me that people are so worried about Trump doing whatever he wants in a highly democratic country with checks & balances. It's like he's seen as some sort of emperor. Then on the other hand you have a bunch of dictators around the world who can do whatever they want and if anyone in their country objects they can make them disappear very easily.

It's like fearing the police more than the criminals.

I would suggest unplugging from the news for a bit and regain some control over your thoughts. The media whip everything up into a much more insane issue. World leaders are all talking to each other because what happens affects us all, it's not just the US & NK.

Think logically. Nuclear war means the end of rich people. Rich people are more important to our governments than we plebs are. Politicians are loaded. Do you think they want to see all that wealth disappear over night? And who will protect them from the plebs when we are hungry? Only a madman would turn the world into a Mad Max film...and the US are far too materialistic to start that! :winks:

Lets not also forget modern history. We've had world wars, the Cold War, Iraq, IRA terrorism in the UK, etc. Our history is not that peaceful really. I remember being taught what to do in the event of nuclear attack at school.

14-08-17, 17:36
I'm very engaged with current affairs and I'd describe myself as quite politically minded but lately I've had to take a break from the news. I know that won't make it go away and you could say I'm burying my head in the sand. But my anxiety has been really bad and this is only going to add to it with more worries I can't control. I think sometimes you need to focus on the things and people around you in order to ground yourself before taking on the worries of the world.

14-08-17, 17:56
I too remember the Cold War where we all thought the US and Russia were heading in one deadly direction. I also remember when the IRA were at their peak. Peaceful political minds overcame both.
Trump is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Nk. Think about it, it would take out his ally SK, and Japan and half of China! No way will that happen if you think logically about it.

Also what Terry says is right, Trump is the president of the US, not a dictator of a rogue country. There are many steady hands on the wheel. If Kim blusters, Trump is the guy to give it straight back two fold. But diplomats from all over the world are working away in the background to resolve this peacefully. Don't take any notice of the media, particularly social media. Half of it is made up and the truth is whipped into a frenzy. It's a media feeding frenzy at the moment. Unplug, don't buy papers and deffo keep off social media.

14-08-17, 17:57
I'm very engaged with current affairs and I'd describe myself as quite politically minded but lately I've had to take a break from the news. I know that won't make it go away and you could say I'm burying my head in the sand. But my anxiety has been really bad and this is only going to add to it with more worries I can't control. I think sometimes you need to focus on the things and people around you in order to ground yourself before taking on the worries of the world.

BIR - but what could you do if you did follow it all? Are you in a position to change anything? If not, it's a balance thing so you don't affect your own health to me.

14-08-17, 18:11
That's just it Terry, you're right. I think we all have keep things in perspective. Social media can be a very draining experience and can make you feel very powerless. I think it's good to be aware of what's going on in the world but if it starts to affect your wellbeing then you have to focus closer to home.

14-08-17, 18:12
Thank you everyone for the responses. And thank you for the article that was posted by Cakelady.

I think the key is to unplug for awhile from the news. Like Darksy said, it makes me feel like I am putting my head in the sand. I feel like I have a responsibility for worry and feel like crap. Does that make sense? Like my mind will go back to NK and say to itself 'you know this is still going on!!! you are fooling yourself! feel sad!').

That is the OCD side of things I think.

14-08-17, 18:40
Yes it is still going on in the background and will be for a while. But what can you do? You have no direct line to the president or Kim. I do have moments of worry myself, I think we all do but I try to keep grounded with my own life, which is fairly hectic.
You have to let the politicians get on with it.

Think of the very worse case scenario and think how likely it is, in the world today. The world of commerce, business and all the countries trading together. It's a very small world. A very different place to the world in say 1945

14-08-17, 18:43
Cattia & Darksky, I agree with you social media is over the top. After NK launched one of their missile tests (might have been the one that sparked the US to park their aircraft carrier off their coast) one major UK paper had a picture of a mushroon cloud on an online article. Talk about trying to scare people!

So much of the news these days isn't actually news, it's someone's "opinion" on a bunch of "what ifs". I used to read a fair few articles but it quickly engulfs your life...and reading the comments sections too. And the media all have their own bias. I follow some of Brexit news, but have scaled back on it greatly, because it's just the same regurgitated news all the time with little real movement. Real world takes time but the news are all racing ahead.

Robin, having concerns and taking an interest in the world is surely a good thing but when it's at the cost of your own wellbeing, and that of your family & friends, is it the same? Some people spend their days knocking lumps out of each other on political forums, some go on marches, some are activists and some like being engaged in some way but unless you are working in the political world or the security services part of me thinks it's sad that some do it at the cost of their loved ones as they seem to lack balance. Are they changing the world? I'm not sure, it's their choice of course. I just don't feel I can contribute much and to be honest...I think I would rather be living in a log cabin over the hill from Grizzly Adams somedays. :biggrin:

14-08-17, 19:49
Yes and did you see the stupid estate agent who posted a map of the UK and had it covered with nuclear fallout. His idea was to see the safest place to buy a house. What an idiot. I was so angry with him, it was done tongue in cheek I'm sure but I imagine it frightened a fair few people who didn't already need the extra angst.

14-08-17, 20:20
What a plonker! I didn't see that. He's not much of an estate agent, I don't think the house price would be any good considering the the state of the nearby neighbourhood! You can forget getting home insurance too! :biggrin:

Should the time come there's just enough time to grab a cool drink and recline outside in the garden.