View Full Version : Urgent advice needed escitalopram short use taper

14-08-17, 17:04
Please help me decide how to taper off of escitalopram again, as it hasn't helped my severe OCD intrusive thoughts.

I have been on it approx 9 weeks. Doc told me to taper off if it over a 1 week period to go on sertraline, but I don't think I want to be on another SSRI. So, am wanting to taper off of it altogether.

I was on 10 mg for 5 weeks and went up to 20 mg for about 3 and a half weeks.

I then cut to 15 mg for a couple of days and 3 days ago I dropped down to 10 mg.

I want off without horrible withdrawals. I am trying to accept that what I have is truly ocd and stop avoidance to get better.

Please advise how to get off escitalopram quickly without experiencing withdrawals.

14-08-17, 18:44
Unfortunately there is no easy way. What works for one may not for another exactly the same as start up effects. All I can say is that I was on Cit from 2004 until around 2008/9 & really cut my dosage very slowly over aperiod of 2 months or so. The only effects were momentary head shocks, like a short buzz. These do dissapear. Good luck with whatever you do but do listen to your Doc.

14-08-17, 23:37
Hello I just came off lexapro last Saturday. I was on 10mg and I then I went down to 5mg
Then what I did was skip a day then take 5mg then skip 2 days. This changes the brain so that you can go longer and longer off it with limited withdrawal
Can I ask you why you won't go near SSRI again?